Because sometimes, when the opportunity arises (even during the middle of a busy week and you’re feeling really tired), you jump at the chance to date your husband again.
I don’t know about you but rallying to go anywhere in the evening for a mama of little ones can be tough. In fact, I try to avoid it at all costs. Who wants to refresh their make up (or put on make up, for that matter?), figure out something cute to wear (instead of that comfy T-shirt that has spit up and snot all over it), or take that pony tail down that you haphazardly threw up that morning?
I’ll be the first to admit, I’m pretty much in “mom mode” all the time these days. Our days are filled with schooling, music, bible study, reading, meals to prepare, grocery shopping, doctors appointments, library, play dates, dolls, diapers, laundry, etc.!!!
Oh, the never ending laundryyyyyyy! :)
Don’t get me wrong. I‘m not complaining one bit. I love it all. I love feeling spent at the end of each day. Why? Because I know I’ve spent my day serving the ones that have been entrusted to me. Please don’t mistake that to mean that I always serve them well. I have my struggles just like everyone else but what a privilege and a blessing it is to be a stay at home mom!
But guess what? I still want to be a wife, too! (I know somewhere, my husband’s smiling really big right now).
My husband is the only one that I will absolutely make the effort and jump at the chance to make that switch from “mom mode” to “woman he married.” Let’s face it, date nights are hard to come by but when the opportunity arises, you can be sure, the perfume will be sprayed, the lipstick will be applied and the heels will come out. So often, our husbands have the weight of the world on their shoulders, don’t they? They have a ton of responsibilities and unfortunately, all too many times, in the grind of each day, it’s our husbands who often come last.
This post isn’t so much about encouraging anyone else, it’s about reminding myself…
First and foremost, I am a wife and then a mother.
Now, more than ever, it seems like we have to be intentional about carving out time just for us. It takes effort (and the help of Grandma) but it is worth it. And I don’t think it’s so much about what we do or where we go on a date, it’s more about feeling reconnected, like we’re on the same team, and reminding ourselves of all the reasons why we’d choose each other over and over again.
After all, he didn’t marry me for my mothering skills (thank God), he married me because he loved everything else… well, mostly everything. ;))

I’ve been joking to Morgan by saying, “In just 8 more years, we may get to go on a weekend getaway.”
Even if that’s the case, Lord willing, let there be LOTS more date nights in between. :)
I declare every month, “Go date your husband month!”
And if you’re in a season where you can swing it more often than that, good for you.
Enjoy it, sister!