May 2019 Book Review

30 May 2019

It's time to recap the 3 books I read in May. Each one was unique and impactful.
One of them is even controversial! 😱
Let's get started!

A few months ago, I read Bringing Up Boys and I really enjoyed it. I was talking to my girlfriend, Hailey and she mentioned something she read in Bringing Up Girls. I thought, "Hey, wait a minute. I think I saw that book on my bookshelf." Sure enough, I found it. It was one of those books I had picked up from the library sale rack for 10 cents. Gotta love that!
I always get a lot from Dr. Dobson's books and this one was no exception. I thought it spoke directly to the stage we're in right now with our teen girls. In fact, it led me to some good sharing moments and discussions with Morgan. This book is definitely on his reading list as well. If you have a young teen girl in your life,
I highly recommend this book. Particularly for dads!  

Next up was a book that I read aloud to the girls. This was a wonderful true story about an All-American girl in the 7th grade who became pen pals with a poor boy from Zimbabwe. It started off as a class assignment but over time, the two became best friends. They corresponded for 6 years and eventually, their worlds collided and their lives changed forever. This was a fast read, told as a dual memoir. We enjoyed reading the letters (especially from Martin) and the compassion and selflessness displayed by Caitlin and her family.

One word of caution: This is more of a PG-13 read. There was some talk of drinking, drugs, and teen romance but since I read it out loud to the girls, I could pick and choose what I wanted to leave out. :)
All in all, a great book that inspires reaching out to make the world a smaller place.

One day, I needed something to read while I waited for Zach to finish his OT session so I grabbed this book off our bookshelf and ran out the door. Honestly, I think I've had this book for many, many years. I must have picked it up at a homeschooling conference or something. To Train Up a Child, was first published in 1994 and began as a letter to a homeschool mother in answer to her question, "How did you train your children to be so happy and obedient?"

Apparently, this book is very controversial. However, I did not know that until after I had read it. This book advocates child rearing techniques like spanking from a young age and using the switch (or the rod) for proper training. Other techniques that were mentioned could be viewed as abusive. I have to admit, I did not agree with everything in this book. I believe each child is unique and therefore, a cookie cutter approach does not work. However, I understood the message and took it for what it was. Some people will hate this book because they won't be able to see past the Pearl's training techniques. For others, this book will encourage them in their calling to be consistently training their little ones. Which is exactly what it did for me. Perhaps the biggest take away, other than being consistent... Training and Discipline are not the same thing.
First, one must train. Then train again. Then train some more. 😝
The letter at the end of the book from Michael to his sons was also a highlight.

That's 19 books and counting for the year!

Christina's High School Graduation

28 May 2019

This little firecracker went and graduated from high school this weekend. #thenerve 😉

She went from this sweet little girl...

To this beautiful young woman in the blink of an eye!

This seems like it was yesterday. #howintheworld 😱

I was so honored that she wanted to spend some time with me this weekend so as part of her graduation present, I took her to get her make up done at Bare Minerals. She's pretty in pink!

 Here's the graduate, with her little cousins.

 Bakersfield Christian High School Graduation Ceremony.

She did it! So proud of her and all the hard work she's put into these last 4 years.

 Waiting for lunch with her favorite Uncle. 💕

 It was so great to see Shawn from Nashville, too!

Zach insisted on holding the motorcycle right in front of his face for the picture. 🙈

Watch out, Biola! She's comin' for ya!

It's hard to believe our spunky little niece is 18 years old and about to enter college.
She was the first little Gough girl we fell in love with and she continues to hold a very special place in our hearts. Christina is not only smart but she's extremely talented in many areas. However, more than all of her academic and talent driven accomplishments, we are most proud of her strong character and her growth in the Lord.

God has uniquely gifted her and called her for this particular generation and we can't wait to see what He has planned for her future. Keep shining bright, Chrissy! You are loved.💖

Mother's Day 2019

18 May 2019

Sweet sunshine in the morning.

Grace made these beautiful scripture cards with some of my favorite verses.

 A card from my boy.

My old griddle pan was getting nasty so Faith bought me a new one.

After church, we got to watch little Landon for the day.

He was the easiest baby ever!

Zach loves babies so much.

And all the babies love Morgan.

He was so proud of himself for standing up.

Later that evening, we dropped off Landon and went to Desert Springs for a boat ride.

Somehow, this kid always gets himself invited to do the all fun things. 😄

My three greatest gifts. 💖💖💖

I'm so undeserving of the grace God has given me.

Motherhood is the one thing in my life that has magnified all of my imperfections.
And perhaps more than the physical work of it all, the reality of my own sin and selfishness are at times, harder to bare.

God obviously knew I would need to rely on Him daily.

Mothering is hard. But it's the greatest kind of hard.

I'm so grateful for the three amazing children that call me mom and the opportunity I have to point them to Christ.

Happy Mother's Day!

End of the Year CBS Program

17 May 2019

 We studied Genesis this year so the girls chose a person from the book to give a presentation.
They decided to do it together because they chose Esau and Jacob (the twin thing). 👬 

 They actually wrote it as if they were Esau and Jacob so it was quite entertaining.
They did a fantastic job!

 Then they brought in the preschoolers.
Morgan and I were trying to hide in the audience because Zach has never managed to stay on stage for his whole performance. Sure enough, he quickly found us and yelled, "Hi, mom and dad!"
And then, even though Faith and Grace were sitting on the opposite side of the room, he spotted them and yelled, "Hi, sisters!" He even gave himself a LOUD pep talk before starting.
We all heard him say, "I'm going to stay on stage." 😂

He also gave a shout-out to our friend, Ben. He said, "Oh, there's Mr. Blodgett." 😄

 Oh my goodness. He was the cutest thing EVER. See that smile? He had it the whole way through.
He was so joyful, so full of life, so LOUD. 😜 He said all his verses and sang his song at the top of his lungs.
It was AMAZING. And, he stayed on stage for the entire performance.
Well done, buddy!👍

Here's another angle of our sweet, energetic, joy-filled boy. 😍

From left to right...
I met Brittney for the first time at CBS this year, Sarah is my hiking buddy and we've been friends for a long time and Laurie is my sweet neighbor. We all go to the same church but I absolutely loved studying the bible and growing in the Lord at CBS with these ladies this year.

That wraps up 9 years and counting! 
Zach has been coming to CBS since he was 2 months old. To see the progress he's made (this year especially), has been so rewarding. Next year, the girls will be joining the teen group.

We love all the teachers at CBS and the way they pour into our children.
Praise the Lord for another wonderful, fruitful year!

James Turns 8 and a Mother's Day Picnic

16 May 2019

On Saturday, we met my family up at Oak Glen.

 Zach and Madi.

 Miles is getting so big!

 We celebrated James' birthday with chocolate cake.

Happy birthday, James!

 We celebrated mom as well.  

 Grace loves babies.

 Faith and Kylie laughing about something they read.

 Zach's idea of playing with Miles.

 Eight precious kiddos.

It was cool up in the mountains with intermittent drizzle and sunshine but that didn't stop us from enjoying a fun day with my family. It's been a while since we've seen everyone and all the kids are growing up so quickly. With the school year coming to a close, we plan to see more of them this summer.
Happy Mother's Day to my sweet sister in law, Emily. She's the best!
And to my dear mom as well. I'm so blessed to share another Mother's Day with her.