Happy New Year!!
I realize we’re already a few weeks into 2014 but to me, it feels like the year is just beginning!
The week before Christmas, we found out we had to move. We could’ve waited until the house sold but we decided it was best to try and be settled before any new addition arrives to our family.
So, we moved! Praise the Lord for all the help... and for strong young backs!
Our last home wasn’t ideal but it was in an ideal location and we were absolutely blessed by our sweet neighbors.
However, life changes and with that, we need to be willing to change as well.
The upside: The move was a GREAT opportunity to PURGE. I thought I got rid of a lot of stuff before Christmas but it was nothing compared to the last few weeks!
We donated a ton, had a yard sale, and also sold several large pieces of furniture on Craigslist. We ended up making enough money to pay for the move as well as few new things we needed. Most importantly, we didn’t bring over anything we weren’t going to need/use in the new house.
Such an AMAZING feeling!!
Remember the days when we were young and single and we could pack up and move our entire apartment in one day?
It’s pretty crazy to think of all the “stuff” we accumulate each year. Needless to say, I find it so freeing to let it go every once in a while.

We’re 4 days into our new home and we’re loving it so far! I’m calling it a home and not a “house” anymore because as each day passes, it’s beginning to feel (and look) more like home.
I am so grateful to Lord for the lovely mountain views He provided from every room (a delightful answer to prayer) and lots of space to spread out (all useable space at that). Am I giving the impression that I have issues with keeping stuff or having space that’s not being used? Um, that would be correct!!
So far, we’ve had a sweet 7 year old boy leave a note at our front door introducing himself. He later came over with fresh roses, picked from his front yard. The girls said it was an answer to prayer that God blessed them with kids to play with.
Until I moved away for college, I only lived in 2 homes my entire life (both in the same city, just across town from one another). Never did I think my kids would experience so many moves in their short lifetime.
However, the girls are resilient and they’ve taken each move in great stride. I’m sure it helps that we’ve stayed in the same community each time. Also, the benefit of not having to change schools is HUGE. Their family and their foundation remains constant so it seems there’s less concern for where they’ll be resting their head at night.
I suppose every move is just an opportunity to grasp the fact that this is not our home anyway. At least that’s what I tell myself and the girls. We’re reminded to hold loosely to the things of this world. Things like a home and all our earthly possessions. We want to be ready and willing when God calls us to do something or go somewhere. We would also be wise to examine regularly if we’re making anything an idol, apart from God Himself. I’ve been down that road before and it does not lead to peace. In fact, it’s the exact opposite. It’s more like bondage.
Believe me, during the last couple of weeks of purging and packing, there were times when I thought putting all our stuff in a big pile and burning it might be a good idea!
Of course, I kid… sort of. :)
So, here we are-- a new year, a new nest, and a new beginning for our family.
The truth is, I was ready for a change. I just didn’t know it was going to happen when it did.
Thankfully, we can trust the One who does know!
Looking forward to all that He has planned for us going forward.
And he who was seated on the throne said, “Behold, I am making all things new.” ~Revelation 21:5