Having just returned from the beach this weekend, there’s one thing I noticed on the sandy shores…
skin is definitely, still in.
And I’m talking for the “very young” as well as for the “not so young.” I saw it all. I saw babies in bikinis (with diapers hanging out of them) as well as women who would qualify for a senior discount, wearing not only their skimpy 2 piece but also their glorious wrinkles, dangling belly button jewelry, and a boob job. Huh?
What ever happened to aging gracefully?
First of all, my Christian sister, this post is not about bashing bikinis (or boob jobs). I am not judging you if you wear a bikini. After all, I used to wear them, too. I know lots of Christian women who do and have decided that that level of modesty is OK for their family. We have to give women freedom (and time) to make that decision for themselves and extend grace to those that think differently.
For the last couple of weeks, God has been impressing upon me the reoccurring topic of being “set-apart.” Set-apart for Christ. I’ve been wanting to write about it but I just couldn’t get my thoughts in order. A few days ago, I purchased a new bathing suit that I’m super excited about! I thought I’d use this topic of swimwear to sort out my thoughts and hopefully, share some encouragement in the modesty department as well. Hopefully.
Like most women, I have a lot of bathing suits crammed into a drawer. I’m planning to do a summer cleaning this week and most of them are being tossed out. So, why a new suit? I needed one (OK, OK, I’m using that term loosely). I wanted one for our anniversary cruise that’s coming up in October.
My requirements- it must fit comfortably and allow me to move, fit in all the right places, cover my goods, be affordable, and of course, it had to be cute! The interesting thing is, my new suit is by far the most modest and sensible swimsuit I’ve ever owned! I know, two words that aren’t exactly exciting, but let me assure you, it comes with more freedom and joy than I ever imagined! I LOVE my new suit!
My fears-
1. That it wouldn’t fit. I typically don’t do mail order. I like to try on stuff before I buy it. Who wants to bother sending it back?
2. That my hubby wouldn’t like it. I was afraid of looking, “old and frumpy.”
My reality-
1. It fit perfectly! I’ve honestly never had a suit that fit so well, and in ALL THE RIGHT PLACES, too!
2. When I modeled it for my family, my husband loved it and said, “Whoa, look at mommy!” Um, ok. I’ll take that. 
The interesting thing is, when I first put it on, I felt more confident, more me, and more of who God wanted me to be, all in a swimsuit! And all by being more covered up, not less! Imagine that.
To be set apart means that God has His hand on us for a specific purpose. He guides our lives differently than it might have been, had we not submitted to His call. And even though it may appear that we are not in ministry, we are marked by God to minister in the day to day living. Being set apart means to be made holy, consecrated to Him. Christians are given a special role in life to serve Him. We are transferred from the domain of darkness to the Kingdom of Light. We are strangers to this world's system. Instead of thinking and acting like the world, we are set apart from this more common way of viewing and living life and are given a different purpose; which is to serve God and become more like Jesus.
With that being said, I’ve noticed lately that it’s getting more difficult to identify a virtuous, set-apart, Christian woman from a worldly one.
They act, talk, and dress the same. They surround themselves with worldly books, magazines, and TV shows. Their primary source of acceptance and value comes from social media, friends, personal interests, and personal accomplishments.
Again, I’m not judging, I’m simply encouraging us to reassess and perhaps reclaim a new and modern vision towards modesty, sensibility, and the belief that we are, indeed, set-apart. I’m using this example of swimwear but I’m actually referring to all aspects of our outward adornment.
It all comes back to our relationship with Christ and realizing who God has made us to be. Unfortunately, our culture’s standards have been highly compromised. I believe it stems from two things- trying to please man instead of God and forgetting who God values us to be. It bothers me when I see young girls wearing everyday clothes, similar to that of a prostitute. And it should bother you, too. Our value comes from our Heavenly Father, not in what we look like and whether we’re following the latest trend.
Are we raising children who value modesty and purity?
Are we raising children who know their worth in Christ?
And most importantly, are we modeling that belief ourselves?
Something I know I need to be on guard about, constantly.
“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” ~Romans 12:2 NLT
Ok, as to not leave you hangin’ here’s what my new suit looks like.

Mine is actually brown with a turquoise and coral flowered center. It has a slight vintage look and feel (which I love). It’s got a girl-leg cut (covers the bottom and legs more). It’s very slimming and lifts where it needs to. The material is also thicker than most suits and made very well. This style of suit would flatter all sized women.
I found a few modest swimwear sites online but most were well above my price range. I’m not into spending $100 on a swimsuit. I paid $34, which was about my limit.
It’ll be perfect for my cruise. I can play, swim, run, relax, and feel great while doing it.
I ordered it from BeallsFlorida and it arrived 3 days later.
"Modesty is not only an ornament, but also a guard to virtue."