Faith became a little camera shy at the last moment so Grace said her new scripture solo. They're like little sponges at this age. Such a sweet, sweet sound. May it be pleasing to the Lord!
The Fruit of the Spirit
31 July 2009
Gettin' Crafty
28 July 2009
27 July 2009

Teagan's birthday!
26 July 2009
Conversations about adoption
24 July 2009
Over the last week, they have brought it up on various occasions. Once was when we saw my brother and his wife last week. They are expecting their first child any day now. Woo-hoo! Anyway, Faith touched Emily's stomach and asked if the baby had kicked her belly. Emily told her that yes, sometimes, the baby does kick. To my surprise, Faith responded by saying that when she was a baby, she used to kick another woman's stomach, too. Then she went on to explain that she didn't come out of her mommy's stomach, she came out of another woman's stomach. She followed by saying, "I'm adopted." To which we all replied. "That's right! And that's why you and your sister are so special!"
For now, I have refrained from using the term 'birth mom' or another 'mommy'. Simply because I feel that in their little world, one mommy is all that their hearts could and should process right now. In the future, I'm sure that we will refer to their biological mom as their birth mom.
I have taken every opportunity to share how God created our family with them. I tell them the story of how daddy and I prayed and prayed for one baby and instead, God surprised us with TWO! They usually laugh with glee as I tell them the story of how surprised and happy we were when we heard the news and how far we flew in a plane to meet them. Lately, they have been asking me about the early months of their life. They wanted to know if there was a doctor, a hospital, what they ate, and if they had a basket. The basket threw me off a little but I said, "Yes, there was probably a basket." Then they asked if they floated down a river in the basket!
Huh?? "You know mommy, just like baby Moses."
What smart little cookies I have.
We are so blessed and fortunate to have a small circle of fellow adopted friends and family members. As you can tell from the story above, the girls are beginning to get it, in their own, 3 year-old way. I'm so thankful that I can use biblical figures like Moses and Esther to help my daughters understand that no matter what our bloodlines are, it is the blood of Jesus Christ that matters most. Every life matters to God and He created each one of us to take our own journey towards Him. Morgan and I will do our best to keep the lines of communication open and willing to discuss their adoption at any time. My hope and prayer is that this will lead to security, clarity, and a knowledge of a greater plan and purpose in the lives of our children.
Happy Mid-Summer!
21 July 2009
It was sort of a mini-vacation, you could say! It actually reinforced my desire to focus on giving my family my best this summer. It sounds sort of strange but let's face it, there are so many distractions that take up our time on a daily basis. I found that for me, most of these activities, if not re-evaluated and checked often, can rob me of my precious time, energy, priorities, and even good intentions.
Some of these distractions are not necessarily bad. For example, I made the decision this summer to pass on attending bible study. It was not just any bible study, it was my beloved Beth Moore and the study was on Esther. For weeks, I went back and forth and finally, through prayer and an honest look at myself, my kids, and my deepest desires, I felt the Lord nudging me to do something else this summer. Something that involved me and my kids. I knew that my children deserved the best parts of me. Not the short, tired, and what was left-over me. Sure, they were always clean, well-fed, looking cute, and got lots of rest but were they really getting my best everyday? Were we connecting daily on a much deeper level? The reality is that my girls are now 3 years-old and they are bright, communicative and impressionable little beings that love to have fun, learn, laugh and enjoy life. What greater privilege and joy could there be than to participate in the shaping of these young hearts?
Oak Glen
12 July 2009
An interview...
10 July 2009
Faith- corn on the cob
Faith- Jonah and the whale
summer dance
09 July 2009
We've been spending much of our time in the pool these days but the girls also started their summer dance class yesterday. They absolutely loved it!