Last night after dinner we took the girls to the park for the first time in many months. As soon as we got there, they ran to the playground with joyful abandonment. Yes, it looks like we've endured another summer here in the desert. Actually, it wasn't so bad- except for the days where it was uncharacteristically humid. What was up with that? I'm looking forward to many more park visits, exercising outdoors, taking walks, and just being able to be outside for more than just a few minutes. It's amazing though how fast our bodies adjust to the warm temperature. Here in the desert, anything under 100 degrees is actually quite pleasant. I guess it's just a small price to pay for living in such a beautiful area.
Fall brings lots of activity around our house. I've been gearing up for Mom2Mom which begins on the 24
th. The new blog is in place and we are all excited with anticipation about this upcoming session.
http://mom2momsouthwestcc.blogspot.com/. I am personally looking forward to getting out of my summer/relax mode and back into my growing and learning mode with the Lord. Not that I've taken a total break these last few months but I haven't exactly been deeply connected either.
In addition, it seems like in my "free" time, I'm either working on something for The Tutoring Club or the Twins Club- not to mention all my duties around the house. Funny, I've never had as many jobs as I do being a stay at home mom. :)
Morgan has been quite busy with his investment business at Tower, too. Although he is traveling a bit more this year, we have no complaints as we continue to be blessed by his growing business. There is no doubt that God wants him to be exactly where he is.
I admire his compassion and devotion when it comes to taking care of his clients and doing what's best for them. It's not always easy when he has no control of the stock market.
The girls have their share of activities, too. Next week, Story Time resumes at the library on Tuesdays. On Wednesdays, they will be in Kid2Kid (while I'm in Mom2Mom) and swim lessons continue on Thursdays.
This season brings birthday celebrations, our anniversary, and of course, Thanksgiving. I will also be throwing a baby shower for my friend, Shannon sometime in November or December. She and her husband, Josh have received their referral for their second son, Trey and they are eagerly waiting to travel to Vietnam in the next few months.
Lately, there is so much that I want to blog about. It's all there swirling around in my head but there are only so many hours in the day. I try to stay off the computer in the evenings so that only leaves me early mornings or during the girls' nap time. With so many other things that I should be doing, it doesn't leave me much extra time to write. Ah well... life is calling!