Monday- homeschool and grocery shopping.
Tuesday- Co-op day. If the kids are at Hailey's or Shannon's, I get to run errands by myself or handle appointments that need to be taken care of.
Wednesday- Gymnastics & homeschool.
Thursday- CBS (Community Bible Study) & homeschool.
Friday- school, field trips, craft day or play dates.
In addition, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday morning, I exercise for about 30 mins. This is purely for my own sanity, health, a feeling of balance, and an overall respect for taking care of the temple that God gave me. My goal is always to be done by 7 AM.
I'm thrilled that our schedule has been working out well for all of us. I'm always a little cautious about over-loading too much but this routine seems to be a good fit, at least right now. I'm actually enjoying the teeny-bit of extra time I have to myself since I'm not serving at Mom2Mom this year. I miss all the wonderful women there but I get to see some of them at CBS and I LOVE being in bible study. The girls are thoroughly enjoying their children's program at CBS, too. They get to be with their old friends and meet some new ones as well.
Gymnastics has been a blast and it's something that Faith and Grace look forward to every week. We've developed our routine for school at home and I'm overjoyed to say that it even involves Morgan! For the last couple of weeks now, he's been schooling the girls on math and perceptual growth (skills for successful reading). He basically goes over 4 to 5 worksheets a day with them. He loves doing it and in all honesty, he's so much better at it than me! I just sit and listen to him in awe. There are so many positives about our Sonlight curriculum and how it easily allows dads to be involved as well. Basically, I handle all of the curriculum reading and writing. Morgan teaches the math and visual/auditory worksheets. He typically works with the girls before or after dinner. He loves being involved with teaching and it's been a huge blessing, for all of us! It's also made him more aware of the girls' strengths, weaknesses, and personality differences when it comes to learning. Differences that would've been harder to pick up on if he weren't purposely teaching them school. Co-parenting in every aspect and an amazing teaching partner to boot! It's definitely an "win-win" and I couldn't be more grateful to God.
Some people have asked how long it takes to school the girls on a given day. On average, if we go straight through without stopping, it takes about an hour to an hour and a half a day. Sometimes, we do school in the mornings and other times, we do it in the afternoon. I like having the flexibility. Most of all,
I enjoy the time I get to spend, cuddling with my girls on the couch. Most days are good but like anything, we have some tough days, too. Still, I wouldn't trade it for the world. These days are all precious. No parent ever regrets spending too much time with their children, do they?
Here's an interesting article I received from a friend. It's about how more and more parents are choosing to homeschool and using the world as their classroom. They travel the world so that their children can learn from other cultures, languages, experiences, etc. I really like the concept and would love nothing more than to travel the world with my children and husband someday-- at least on a part-time basis. One can DREAM! :)