We are one step closer to our girls! Our I-600 (visa petition on the US side) has been approved! Our agency was waiting on this approval before they could send all our paperwork to the US Consulate in Seoul, Korea. More processing continues on the Korea side but we are getting closer. We talked with our agency yesterday and they said they doubted that we would get the girls home before Christmas, but then again... anything can happen!
In the meantime, we are preparing their room here at home, still working on some things inside the house, and getting really excited about the baby shower that some dear friends are throwing for us next week!
Thanksgiving & Birthday
29 November 2006

My Own Child
21 November 2006

My Own Child
I did not plant you, true.
But when the season is done,
When the prayers for sun
And for rain are counted,
When the pain of weeding
And the pride of watching are through,
I will hold you high
A shining sheaf
Above the thousand,
Seeds grown wild
Not my planting,
But by Heaven my harvest
My own child.
-Author Unknown
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Sent with love
16 November 2006

"our smell." Those little blankets are not only the softest little things but they have helped to keep me perfectly warm at night. In a way, I will miss them. They have been a reminder to me that soon, we will be a family of four!
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Blog Change
09 November 2006

"Thankful" doesn't even begin to describe what we feel in our hearts. We can't wait until the day we get to see our girls and can actually hold them! Looking back on this incredible journey, we have seen God's gentle guidance, His tender love, His promised faithfulness, and His gracious imprint in all of the details. To think that we prayed for one baby and He saw fit to deliver TWO!
"God does immeasurably more than what we can even perceive or imagine." Ephesians 3:20
With that said, our "Journey to Faith" has really been a "Journey of faith." Over the years, Morgan & I have learned (and are still learning everyday) to trust and rely on God rather than ourselves or the things of this world. Through this adoption process, even when things looked bumpy, we had to remind ourselves that we are not in control. God has led us here and everything will work out in His perfect timing. Knowing this has given us such peace and comfort. Although not over yet, this journey has been another great example of God's faithfulness and in the midst of it all, we have had the privilege to know Him more intimately.
Korea Travel Guide
07 November 2006

I was just thinking the other day about my own journey from Seoul when I was not quite 3 years old. Most people don't know that I was born in Seoul and my family came here in the Spring of 1973. Because I am so Americanized and can speak English waaaaay better than I can speak Korean, people just assume that I was born here in the United States. Although I don't really remember a thing about Korea, I'm sure the trip will be filled with lots of emotion as I retrace my own journey and document this trip for our girls.
From what my parents tell me about our flight to the U.S., I cried from Seoul to Honolulu.
God bless them as well as the poor people on that flight!
Let's hope payback isn't due :)
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02 November 2006

Even from across all those miles, they can make us laugh out loud already. How special they are and how blessed are we.
Grace (left in pink) and Faith (right in yellow).
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