FOURTEEN years ago, on that gorgeous October day when we exchanged our hand written vows and became husband and wife.
My best yes was on 10.14.01. It’s the day that changed the course of my life in so many ways.
We were just two sinners, so in love, living for the moment, enjoying life (as we knew it), and feeling invincible. We lived for adventure, travel, and our next big high. We thought we were good. We went to church regularly. We thought we knew the way.
But God…
He joined us together and then He came for us.
He said, “I am the Way, the Truth, the Life… Come, follow Me.”

His plan was to take these two self-seeking people and transform their lives into something meaningful. A life, dedicated to His glory, no longer our own. And so, step by step, we walked hand in hand toward Him. Together, by His grace, we would travel to those far off places and find our greatest adventures, but not in the way we had thought so long ago.
The Psalms are one of my favorite books of the bible. Psalm 10:14 says,
“The helpless put their trust in you. You defend the orphans.”
Little did we know, this very Psalm would become our most important ministry together.
I cannot imagine this journey without Morgan by my side. He’s been the greatest picture of Christ to me and to our family. He leads by serving and gives more of himself than any other person I know on earth. And the fact that God gave Him to me, is a picture of His undeserved goodness in my life.
I wish I could say it’s been easy to leave sin and selfishness behind and follow God wholeheartedly but the truth is, it’s been the hardest thing I’ve ever done. Sometimes, when life gets a little crazy, I can easily get bogged down with minor details instead of casting my vision on eternity. Feelings of discouragement, weariness, and sometimes, even entitlement can creep in. But every nose I wipe and every mouth I feed, God sees me. He sees me bending down to pick up toys and clean up vomit. He sees me bending low to lift my children. And at the end of the day, I want to be found, faithfully, bending down at the foot of His throne.
My life looks nothing like I thought it would since I said yes to Morgan and yes to God but it has undoubtedly been one grand adventure thus far. God has used the beautiful story of adoption in our lives to illustrate just how orphaned and hopeless we were without Him. He’s given us our children to teach us what love really means and how far we’d go to bring them home and call them our own. He’s demonstrated His mighty power of redemption through the costly buying back of our lives, making the gospel tangible and alive in our very home.
I love and respect my husband more with each passing year. And I thank God for allowing me to share this beautiful life with him. He’s the best of the best!
In celebration of our anniversary, we would usually go out for a nice romantic dinner. Last weekend, Grandma came over to babysit and at the last minute, we decided what we needed most is not a fancy dinner but rest in this weary season.

About 6 months ago, Morgan got me a gift card for a massage and I was FINALLY able to use it. So without getting dressed up, or fussing at all, we left the house as we were (shorts and a T-shirt), and enjoyed a very relaxing and spectacular couples massage at Footloose.
Afterwards, we came out and said, “That was WAY better than a fancy steak dinner.” :)

See, don’t we look relaxed now? :)
Sometimes, anniversary celebrations involve quiet relaxation and then sharing our dreams (and fajitas) at a local Mexican restaurant. It was just what we needed!
Happy Anniversary, my love! You will always be my best yes.