Welcome to our Butterfly Party! The day finally arrived. The girls were SO EXCITED.
Last month, we found this pretty wreath from a yard sale. I paid one whole dollar for it! For the party, I added some clip-on butterflies to make it festive. Also $1!

The fabric flower door garland we made turned out beautiful.
I think it says,”Here’s the party. Come on in!”

Our TWO beautiful birthday girls! They love sharing their birthday with each other! Everything is better with your BFF. :)
Decorations: Funny, I realized I had never really decorated for a party before. I may have bought some balloons and flowers and called it good. Let’s be honest, that’s all I had the time and energy for in the past. With the girls being older now, we had SO MUCH FUN planning and making the decorations together. We would chit-chat while doing it and they would talk about how they would plan their future daughter’s birthday and teach them how to make things, too. Lots of sweet mommy/daughter moments.

We hung paper lanterns over the focal table and hot glued butterflies to them.

Daddy also strung big tissue paper poms and flying butterflies from the upstairs banisters.

The girls and I made all the tissue paper flower poms. They added a girlie and whimsical pop to the party and they were way cheaper than real flowers.
The Food: We had 40 people so I wanted to keep things pretty simple. Our local Super Target’s deli is awesome so I knew I wanted to order a few platters from them. However, I also wanted to make a few “butterfly themed” things for the party as well.

This was an Italian Pasta Salad, made with bowtie (or butterfly) pasta.

I thought this would be a fun treat for the kids and it sort of went along with the theme.

Another easy treat to make were these cute fruit cones.

The Butterfly Nectar went over amazing!
It’s just Peach Mango V-8 Fusion. Lots of ice cuts the sweetness and frozen peaches makes it pretty.

I bought these edible butterfly toppers on ETSY and placed the paper thin creatures on each cupcake, right before the party. I love how they turned out. They looked so delicate… and real!


In addition to the sandwich platters, I rounded out the spread with some chicken wings, meatballs and a few snacks.
All in all, the food prep was easy. It was a good mixture of store bought items and easy to prepare party food.
My goal was to have everything on the table and ready when the guests arrived. In other words, I wanted to be present and enjoy this party, too!

Kara, our sweet artist friend.

Miss Rory and my girlfriend, Hailey.

Kara is so cute. She came with a menu of Garden Creatures for the kids.
Party Games: So, we had 3 games planned.

First, was Butterfly Badminton.

Basically, it’s just a game of keeping the balloon up with your butterfly net. We figured it would give the kids something to do as they arrived. Unfortunately, the wind picked up a little and the balloons either blew away or all popped. Oh well, the kids had fun with it anyway!

Next came the Cocoon Wrap.

Each team had to use their entire roll of toilet paper to wrap their cocoon. Whoever uses up all their toilet paper first, wins.

I love this picture of Grace.

We have a winner!

Next, it was time to dig in.

More games: The last game was called Catching Butterflies.

600 butterflies were launched into the air for the kids to catch, using their nets.

Why yes, that is my husband, standing on a chair, with a shop vac.

Look at their faces. So fun!

Fun for all ages!

Morgan expertly “designed” his butterfly blaster. Notice the upcycled water/juice bottles and orange duct tape? Mr. Ingenuity, I tell you.

Levi gets a lizard painted on his hand.

Time to sing Happy Birthday! The girls get so shy when they’re the center of attention. Sweetness.

Making a wish/saying a prayer.

Really, 8??

James finds a cupcake to perfectly match his shirt.

Present time and lots of hugs all the way around.

Party favors: Colored Chalk

Grandparents are the best.

Grandpa shooting bubbles at Faith.

Managed to squeeze in a family photo before the day was over.

A gorgeous sunset to cap off a FANTASTIC birthday celebration!
One to remember, for sure. The girls had an incredible time celebrating with their dear family and closest friends.
Even though they’re 8 now, I loved that they wanted to do a butterfly themed party. There is still an innocence and playfulness there that is just so sweet.
Thankfully, Pinterest provided lots of ideas and although we won’t be having parties like this every year, I was thrilled to be able to do it this year.
Happy Birthday to our sweet flutter bugs!
We love you so much and we marvel at who you are becoming.
The world can be a beautiful place but you must look for the Light.
Follow the Son and bravery spread your wings.
He will teach you to fly.