mud pies

22 May 2011

The girls had a blast making mud pies yesterday. 

And I’m not talking about the decadent chocolate and ice cream dessert that you can actually eat! 

Oh, to be a kid! 

Mud 003

“Joy over mud… joy over mud… joy over mud… joy over mud…” 

I choose JOY!

Mud 005

By the way, this is totally unrelated but obviously the world did not come to an end yesterday.  The bible warns us about false prophets.  Jesus himself said, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father” -Mark 13:32. 

It could be today.  It could be tomorrow.  It could be 50 or 100 years from now.  The point is: It will happen and undoubtedly, we are one day closer to Jesus’ glorious return.  Folks have been trying to predict the exact Day of Judgment for centuries now.  However, no one but God the Father knows when that will be, not even His Son.

Don’t let anybody tell you different.

Live today.  Love deeply.  Cherish the moment. 

Make mud pies. Smile

The Letter 'W' said...

i love that she is making mud pies while wearing YOUR shoes.!