Life Lately

24 March 2021

 Well, March has shaped up to be the best month so far. After the January and February we had, March has been a breath of fresh air! Thank you, Lord! 

The boys like to go for an afternoon ride and explore around our neighborhood.

I'm so proud of this cutie. She'd be the first to tell you she's always been a little too attached to her long hair. After experiencing #covidhair 😪 she made the decision to cut it. 

She chopped it off and now it's SO healthy! 
Plus, she looks stunning and so grown.😳

Here she is, headed to youth group. 

This is Taleah and she's been Zach's buddy at church. She's studying to be a Behavioral Health Therapist. 
We absolutely LOVE the Embrace Me Special Needs Ministry at our church. What a blessing!

Uncle Ben came to visit for a couple of days and we had fun playing games together, especially Sequence.

One night, he and Morgan took the girls to The Labyrinth. It's like an escape room/ninja course. 

They made a Sonic run afterwards. 

The next night, the guys took all the kids to the AT&T Stadium in Arlington for Supercross.

It was Zach's first time and those noise cancelling headphones helped a ton!

He had a blast and was livin' his best life in between his two favorite people. 

Making fun memories together.

Spring has definitely sprung around here and we love seeing all the green everywhere!

We spent a few hours playing at Unity Park yesterday. What an amazing park it is!

Well, that's a little look into life around here lately. We are loving this warmer weather. This weekend, we may even hit 80! All the trees and flowers are blooming and we're spending more time outside. 
When you actually experience the different seasons, there's something to be said for the start of a new one. Yay, spring! We're so happy to see you.