Eeks! And just like that, my baby is a preschooler!
I officially started homeschool preschool with Zach yesterday.
He's just the cutest!
Oh, how I love this boy!
He had fun with paint.
He watched a couple of you tube videos on phonics and counting.
He pasted all the "A" sounding words to his big A.
We read a lot. we played, and we swam. Overall, the day was just an introduction to "school" for him. Let's face it, at 3 years old, EVERYTHING is considered learning anyway. I had a few activities planned, just to make my time with him more intentional but other than that, he was just busy being his happy three year old self. I have a loose plan of doing school with him 3X's a week. At this point, it's probably going to be Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. I might also take him to story time at the library now and then on Tuesday mornings. If I'm prepared with a few activities each day, school should take less than an hour. Starting in two weeks, he'll go to CBS on Thursday mornings and Friday will be a play day for us all, with the girls doing a little work in the morning.
I started preschool with him this week because next week. we're going on vacation. Woo-hoo! After that, we hit the ground running. I'd say Zach's first day went great. He is eager to learn and he loves spending focused time with me so it's a win-win for us all. I really do consider it a privilege to teach him new things and the joy I get to share with him through his experiences and discoveries is just so precious to me.
What a gift!
If you haven't seen the video of him singing his ABC's on my Instagram (at the bottom), you should. Just click on the picture of him wearing glasses and his bright orange Awesome shirt. The video is full of antics and the cutest laugh you will ever hear. I promise, it's sure to make you smile! 😊