On Tuesday mornings, the girls have school with Ms. Lyndi at 9:00 so I made a simple breakfast for Valentine's Day. These are just store bought Pillsbury cinnamon rolls that I turned into hearts (and added some sprinkles).
A couple of nights ago, we made a breakfast casserole so it worked out great for leftovers on this special day. They also enjoyed fruit and a strawberry vanilla smoothie.
Simple. Easy. Special. ✔✔✔
The girls exchanged little gifts for one another over breakfast.
And when their lil' bro woke up and came downstairs, they gave him this.
The dog says. "I 💗 U This Much." He sleeps with it as a body pillow.
Later in the afternoon, Morgan gave me the most beautiful card (and flowers). He wrote some amazing things inside the card and it brought me to tears. He knows my love language is not gifts or fancy jewelry. It's words of affirmation. I felt both tremendously blessed and yet so undeserving of everything he wrote. He's just the best! #myforevervalentine #imkeepinghim
We gave the kids their gifts from us.
Why yes, apparently there is such a thing as a Star Wars Cookbook. She's been wanting this ever since she heard about it.
We ended the night at The Old Spaghetti Factory for a loud, unromantic, casual, LONG family dinner date. #reallife
Note to self: If we ever decide to go out to dinner again on Valentine's Day, make reservations. 😭
Who would've thought that the OSF would be a hot spot for couples on Valentine's Day? Apparently, NOT ME!!
I was reminded why we typically don't go out on this particular night. It's always crowded and the service is less than par. Oh, well! The most important thing is that we were together and I was making memories with all of my loves. Honestly, I couldn't ask for anything more! I am a blessed woman living a blessed life.
Next year, we'll have to start a new tradition of cooking something really special and making it a fun celebration at HOME. Yeah, that's sounds like a plan. 😄
Isn't this the truth?
The reason why I celebrate Valentine's Day and try to make it special for my family is because I feel so overwhelmed by God's love.
Is Valentine's Day a commercial holiday? Absolutely. Does it mean we have to go all out in materialism to show our love to one another? No, of course not. For me, it's just an excuse to make our loved ones feel extra special and be an extension of God's love.
I've been feeling SO incredibly blessed lately (more than usual). I think it's because the older I get, I realize just how much grace God has given me (and continues to give me on a daily basis, through my husband, kids, and through the hope of eternity).
Whether you had a day that was filled with special moments or a day with moments you'd like to forget, remember that God, the Giver of every good gift, loves you. God provides us with His unfailing love and an eternal hope through the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ.
The Creator of the moon and stars is in love with us.
Now that's something to celebrate.

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