Race Day!
We cheered on Ben as he raced in the annual Adelanto Grand Prix.
Zach trying out Uncle Ben's bike before the race.
There he is! Coming through the wood pile.
The cheering section.
As always, Zach was on the move.
It was a chilly but sunny morning.
Of course, Zach wanted to get closer to the action.
Trying to get on the course. Sigh...
Great job, Uncle Ben!
My little daredevil.
Back at camp, daddy shows Faith how to ride.
After a 5 minute lesson...
She was off on her own.
Grace's turn.
Way to go, Grace!
Zach was happy playing in the dirt.
And riding with daddy.
Daddy and his side kick.
He grabbed my camera and wanted to take a selfie. Cute little thing!
In his happy place on his ATV.
He loved all the open space to roam around on his own (and run over all the bushes he could find).
Even I got on the bike and had a blast zipping around.
Believe it or not, this was my first time riding a dirt bike. Never too old to try something new!
Ben had a nice race and we had a fun time hanging out, catching up with him, and playing in the dirt afterwards. I know Morgan wishes he was out there racing with him but for now, he'll just have to live vicariously through his brother. After all, me and the kids need him around...and in one piece! 😄
Thanks to the Blodgetts for letting us borrow their bike for the day!
Thanks to the Blodgetts for letting us borrow their bike for the day!

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