Zach's Eye Surgery

27 May 2016

In his hospital gown, watching videos with dad.

Thank you so much for all those that prayed for Zachary.

Surgery went well yesterday and his eyes are already looking much straighter. Praise the Lord! True to form, and no wuss to adversity, Zach dove into surgery with ease. We had to leave for Loma Linda at 5:15 in the morning. I was a little nervous about the fact he couldn't eat a thing or drink a drop of liquid ALL morning. Especially since he usually wakes up and one of the first things he looks forward to (other than seeing his family), is to have his bottle of milk.

And YES, I still give him a bottle. Why? Because he loves it and I see no real harm in letting him have it for just a little while longer. :)

God answered our prayers all throughout the morning and Zach ended up doing just fine. He went into surgery a little after 9:00 and he was done in 80 minutes.

Another thing I was a little anxious about was that fact that he was going to be under full anesthesia and that he would need a breathing tube during surgery. Because of his prematurity and his extensive experience with breathing tubes (MRSA and pneumonia in the NICU), we've worked hard to help him overcome eating solid foods over the last year. Thankfully, right before surgery, the anesthesiologist came out and told us he wasn't going to need the kind of breathing tube that went all the way down his throat. They ended up using one that just went into his mouth. Another sweet mercy! Thank you, Lord!

His surgery was uneventful and he did wonderfully!

 Our sweet brave boy right after surgery, trying to wake up from the anesthesia.

Safe is his Father's arms.

As we arrived early in the morning to Loma Linda University Children's Hospital, I felt a mix of dreading yet another children's hospital and also, being extremely grateful for them. In the big scheme of things, this surgery for Zach was very minor. There are kids in these hospitals fighting major illnesses and their parents are struggling just to be brave and keep hope alive.

I have experienced both major and minor now and my heart goes out to every parent who has ever had to step foot in a children's hospital.

Just like UCSF, these folks were amazing and they took good care of us. They will continue to monitor Zach's eyes going forward, as only time will tell...

After coming home in the afternoon and lots of rest, our boy was eating like a champ again by dinnertime.

In fact, it wasn't long before he was running around the house and kicking his ball. :)

Today, he's back to his normal playful self. :)

Only close up, can you see the redness (which will heal in a few days) on the sides of his eyes.

By God's grace, this has been another hurdle our boy has overcome. We're praying this surgery will help his eye muscles to remain straight and last a lifetime, or at least for many many years to come. 

Praising God in advance for Zach's complete healing and restoration, as well as the redemptive power He continues to display in Zach's precious life!