Is blogging dead?

24 August 2015


It’s true. Many long-time, influential bloggers are calling it quits. Why? It seems it’s become too laborious to regularly pen a provoking thought or conversation. As someone who likes to write, I get that.

Blogs have been a wildly popular medium for about 15 years but with the expansion of social media and platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, some say blogging as we know it, is simply dying.

I recently went 16 days without writing a word here. I’m pretty sure it’s the longest I’ve ever gone in over 9 years. I can tell you it didn’t happen on purpose (computer issues) but during that time, I tried to embrace the silence and view it as sort of a summer break.

As a result of not having a computer, I relied more on my phone. For me, the smart phone is a convenience (and a luxury) but it certainly doesn’t satisfy any sort of creativity or expression that longs to flow from my heart. More than ever, I found myself thinking in shorter, quicker segments and therefore my conversations, attention span, and my patience began to mimic just that. With all of our modern conveniences, I find it way too easy to get swept up in the hurricane of a society that craves speed, instant gratification, and mere morsels, rather than any meat or substance.

We are far too easily pleased, aren’t we? Instead of chewing on a thought or really savoring the beauty of a story, we want the quick, condensed version so we can scroll ahead and move on. Maybe you’re even doing that now? :)

A funny thing happened while I was on my unintentional break. I desired to write even more.

In fact, as the days passed, it became clearer to me that I must write more. I realized it’s an integral part of who I am and how I process things. I usually have many thoughts and opinions on various topics rolling around in my head and sometimes, they don’t become clear until I write them down. For a long time, I feel like I’ve had writer’s block. Sure, I can easily chalk it up to “mommy brain” and the season of life I’m in right now. But other times, maybe I’m just a little afraid to share what’s really on my heart. You know, just in case someone might disagree with me or find out I’m not who they thought I was. 

So, it just becomes easier to refrain from meaningful words and record pictures here instead. At times, it’s all I’ve got. Don’t get me wrong. We love the pictures. We love looking back and remembering all the special moments of our lives.

But what about this blogging business? Is it really dead?

For many, I suppose it is. The world is just moving too fast.

For me, this little piece of mine on the world wide web has never been about business. It’s never been about followers, comments, advertisements, fame, fortune, or having a post go viral.

I’ll continue to write because I have a song to sing and a story to tell. And for a long time, maybe I let the outside world distract me or maybe I let the whisper that said your story is not interesting enough to settle in. But until the Good Lord closes this book of mine, I’ll keep on. Even if my writing is bad. Even if it’s only for myself, my family, and a small handful of friends.

I want to write more bravely and honestly. Sharing the things that stir my heart, create passion, and maybe even scare me a little. Sometimes, my perfectionism gets the best of me. It lures me into captivity and I become chained by my own fears. Before we know it, we’re immobile and our souls become cowards.

But the title of this story is called Brave Soul. And thank God, the story’s not over yet. 


SHe who is brave 

Come on.  Let’s be brave together.