My two darlings!


Because two are better than one!

Faith & Vivien, ready for their duet.

Halmoni & Hapajee arrive.

All the grandparents are in the house.

Precious friends.

Grace’s finale to God Bless the USA. She did so well!

So incredibly PROUD of our girls.

Their friends, Jacob & Ellie came out to support them!

Grace with her vocal teacher, Miss Hannah and Faith with her piano teacher, Mrs. Ainsworth.

Later, a fun afternoon with Halmoni & Hapajee.

They sure tired out the grandparents.

Celebrating! With ice cream cones and lots of laughter!
The girls had their Spring Recital this weekend and I’m so proud of the work they put into preparing for it. All the hard work paid off and they both had TERRIFIC recital experiences. Faith pulled off playing two duets, as well as her individual piece (that girl has a gift for memorization!).
Grace was able to play a piano duet with Faith but also put her heart and soul into singing God Bless the USA. It’s been so fun to see her blossom into a more confident vocalist with each new opportunity!
Music is a big part of our schooling for the girls. It’s required a lot of hard work but the rewards have been worth it! I’ve learned that success comes, not in playing a recital piece perfectly. Even with tons and tons of practice, mistakes can happen—mostly due to nerves. Ask me how I know. :)
Real success comes from the process; all the months of hard work leading up to the recital. The performance is simply an opportunity to bless others while celebrating their efforts and dedication.
Our only advice on recital day… HAVE FUN!!
And they sure did! They enjoyed it so much, they can’t wait for the next one!
Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God. ~Psalm 100:1-3