The only words that really matter...

23 January 2013

The only words that really matter? 
Are the ones I live.
I keep writing it out here everyday, the words I am seeking to live — about this wondrously messy, everyday-holy life...
about finding the beauty and quiet,
about slowing to see the sacred in the chaos,
the Cross in the clothespin,
the flame in the bush.
Just listening – laundry, liturgy, life, — all of life, holy ground.
A holy experience — because God has flaming bushes everywhere.
~Ann Voskamp

Is it any surprise I like words?  I like to read them, write them, speak them, and ponder them.
However, God asks us not to only read or write words, but become them.
Herein lies the difficult challenge. 
Could it be? 
If we don't actually live out our words, they become mere lies?
Ooh, ouch.

For me, it comes down to these two words... 
"Choose Love" 
I'm learning that love is really the same thing as sacrifice.
I'm also learning that I'm not so good at it. 
It doesn't come naturally or easily for me.  
If I don't take every thought captive, I can become selfish, prideful, and whiny. 
I can also be easily irritated, put-out, or demanding.   
And what really convicted me is for all the words I speak (or write) to encourage others,
Was I really living out my words to my own family? 
When I grow up, I want to become my words. 
Not only on the page but in flesh and blood... 
In laughter and tears...
In praise and sorrow... 
In life and death.


God is always good and we are always loved.