recent art

03 May 2012

art 013A
Mommy & Me by Grace

art 015A
Black Beauty by Grace

art 016A
Horse by Faith

art 018A
Rainbow Heart Horse by Faith

art 022A
Horse and calf by Faith
Lately, it seems like the girls spend a couple of hours a day, sitting at the kitchen table, drawing pictures, cutting them out, and then playing paper dolls with them.  I’m always so fascinated with what they come up with artistically.  I haven’t posted any of their recent creations and I’m notorious for being an “anti-pack rat” (sorry, kids)!  Hopefully, here in cyberspace, their artwork can have a little more longevity.
I love the fact that every creation is often a gift for someone else.  Today’s drawings were given to their teachers and friends at CBS. 
All except Mommy & Me, of course.