a heart of service

14 April 2012


I used to believe that motherhood was the quickest path to sanctification but now, I’m inclined to think that homeschooling is. 

One of the biggest blessings about homeschooling is the fact that I get to constantly work on my heart of service towards my family.  Whether I like it or not, I am being refined, daily. 

Some days, I’ll admit, I can be put through the fire, kicking and screaming.  But on most days, I joyfully surrender. 

Morgan and I have now entered a stage of life where we can actually complete sentences and conversations, in the presence of our children.  Hey, it’s the little things, right?!

Have you ever felt like the littleness of motherhood would never end?  You know, all the little responses, corrections, attitudes, selfishness, and sins?  Well, God sees all those little things and uses our faithfulness to transform us into something BIG.  He is cultivating in us, a heart of service.

And the fruits are eternal!

“Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with much.” ~Luke 16:10