a little while longer…

17 February 2012


It feels like it’s been a while but in reality, not really.  The cable guy arrived yesterday afternoon so we just got internet access yesterday.  In a way, being disconnected (other than a couple of emails with my phone) has been really… nice. 

It certainly allowed us to get a lot of unpacking done this week.  As you can imagine, there’s still much to do but all in all, we’re feeling quite settled and very blessed.  The girls are loving their new home and have been playing outside in the backyard everyday.

It’s funny how changing the rhythm of your life for a week gives a different perspective.   

  We’re slowly creating a new normal for ourselves.  In fact, I think I’ll take a few more days to prayerfully reflect, prioritize and hopefully, come back better for it.

Until then, be well and have a restful weekend.

Oh, and I just wanted to mention how much I love and respect my husband.  He’s been going through a lot since the beginning of the year.  Despite his circumstances, he never ceases to be an example of integrity and grace.

That’s all, for now.