Honor Begins at Home

20 January 2012

“A man cannot be passive about what Scripture tells him to do for his family and expect to be found faithful to God in the end. He must see with spiritual eyes and realize that future generations are directly impacted by his daily decisions.”
—The Resolution for Men

The Resolution for Men is the inspiring book born out of Courageous, a new film by the makers of Fireproof.  The movie, which presents a powerful story of strong male leadership, is an emotionally charged wake-up call to fathers whose influence upon their children and society is immeasurable.  The Resolution for Men follows to challenge men of all ages to become as bold and intentional about embracing their responsibilities as leaders of their homes, marriages, and children.

Written by Stephen and Alex Kendrick, screenwriters of Courageous, The Resolution for Men strategically inspires men to reconcile with their past, re-engage in the present by taking full responsibility for their wives and children, and then move forward with a bold and clear resolution for the future.

For 8 weeks now, Morgan has been attending a weekly men’s bible study at church.  Last night was the culmination of his study.  Just like in the movie, a Resolution Ceremony was held for the men and their families. 

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We are so blessed that Morgan has a passion for fathering and has always sought out biblical direction and purpose.  This was a natural study for him to embrace and be a part of.  Morgan is the kind of guy who quietly and thoughtfully does what he should-  without fanfare, entitlement or complaint.  I have always loved and admired him for his integrity and sense of responsibility.  Unfortunately, we have too many grown up boys today and not enough men. 

Although the girls and I did not need a public declaration of his resolve towards us, it was certainly a welcomed confirmation of his dedication and commitment towards his role as the leader for our family.   

It was past the girls’ bedtime but they loved dressing up and cuddling with daddy through the ceremony.  Especially since they hadn’t seen him in last 2 days (business trip).  We’re thankful he’s home. 

More importantly, we are so thankful he is ours! 

May God continue to bless him, protect him, and guide him,

As he courageously leads his family for the Lord.