summer, skirts, and feminine glory

28 June 2011


Fact:  I wear more skirts and dresses in the summer. 

Fact:  I can’t deny how distinctly lovely and feminine I feel when I do!

About a month ago, I came across Deuteronomy 22:5. 

“A woman must not wear men’s clothing, nor a man wear women’s clothing, for the LORD your God detests anyone who does this.” 

I’ve been pondering on the verse ever since.

Immediately, I thought about how my own girls love to play “dress up” and wear dresses.  If given a choice- they would choose to wear a dress everyday, every minute of the day- hands down.

It got me thinking…

How wonderful it is that God purposefully designed a man and a woman (from a very early age) to have obvious and distinct differences?  Brilliant!

I’ve always been a bit of a girlie girl but I also own my fair share of jeans, shorts, and other pants.

About two weeks ago, I decided to make a conscious effort to dress more feminine. 

I know what you’re thinking. 

That’s no huge stretch- especially since it’s summer and well over 100 degrees where I live.  But for me, it became more about deciding to embrace the Word of God and His true, divine purpose behind Deut. 22:5. 

When I informed Morgan about my decision, he first wanted to know why. 

I told him. 

Then he answered, “I like you in skirts.”         

I’m pretty sure he likes me in anything. Smile 

My guess is that most husbands would respond in a similar way.  I believe if given a choice, husbands would want their wives to look like lovely women, not men. 

A woman’s strength and beauty is her glory.

I’m not saying that I’m never going to wear pants again.  And you probably won’t see me in an ankle length skirt or bonnet anytime soon (if that’s you’re style, I’m not judging!).   I am, however, going to earnestly start praying about it.

I love how I feel when I’m dressed in a flowing skirt or dress.  Light, breezy, joyful, softer yet strong.  Dare I even say…  sexy?    

God certainly knows what He’s doing and had specific gender roles in mind when He designed a man and a woman.  He even thought it was important enough to include how we should dress in the bible. 

I figure the least I could do is pray about it.

One day, I might even let you know where God’s will and my stubborn surrender meet.

Until then, I say, “Vive la difference!”