I was inspired to write this post after reading my friend, Aubrey's blog a couple of weeks ago. I know I'm pretty open when it comes to sharing my faith, insights, lessons, and experiences but I got to thinking how even the closest people around me, may not know certain things about me. I'm writing this in hopes that by sharing more of myself, others will feel comfortable to do the same. Here goes...
1. My primary love language is Words of Affirmation. Who doesn't require an encouraging word now and then, right? If you don't already know your love language (or your spouse's),
The Five Love Languages is a must read.
2. I'm not big on receiving gifts. Thankfully, my hubby isn't either. We hardly ever exchange gifts. We'd much rather go do something fun together.
3. Morgan and I are both dive certified. Before having the girls, we enjoyed traveling all over the world to seek out the best dive spots. So far, Fiji, Belize, Tahiti, and Cozumel were tops! We look forward to introducing the girls to snorkeling this year!
4. My favorite seasons are summer and fall. That's right, I said it- SUMMER, in the desert! It's not particularly for the hot temps, it's the laid back vibe of summer that I like in this resort town. Summer means less people around here, too.
5. Before moving to the desert, I lived in San Diego, Manhattan Beach, and Malibu. Morgan thought I would hate living in the desert. I love the beach and I miss it sometimes but honestly, I thought I'd miss it more.
6. I'm also not big on jewelry (see #2). I'm talking the real stuff here, especially heart-shaped jewelry. It's just not my thing.
7. I drink my coffee every morning with hazelnut creamer.
8. I made the decision a couple of years ago to stop wearing bikinis. How could I possibly teach modesty to my girls if I wasn't practicing it myself? It's ironic because I feel like I'm the healthiest and most secure I've been my whole adult life. Less is so
not more.
9. I really don't enjoy any structured type of exercise but I still do it 3
x's a week. I do it in order to take care of the body God gave me and it simply makes me feel better and more balanced; something I definitely need in my busy world. Plus, I love to eat!
Wait, that's something everyone already knows. :)
10. I have a glass of red wine almost every night.
11. I speak a little Korean. I can understand it better than I can speak, read
or write it.
12. I love Mexican food and if I'm at a Mexican restaurant, I must have a margarita... on the rocks, with salt.
13. I'm looking forward to taking a surfing lesson someday soon. Maybe this year!
14. So far, it's true what they say... Life begins at 40! Sure, I still have insecurities like everyone else, but they seem to matter a lot less. :) I'm enjoying the experience and hopefully, the wisdom, maturity, and grace that comes with age.
15. I have a tattoo. It's pretty big... I've had it for about 16 years. These days, it's for my husband's eyes only. In hindsight, would I do it again? Probably not but there is a really cool story about how I met my husband because of it. For that alone, I own it.
16. I'm a bargain shopper. I never pay full price for anything.
17. I prefer salty/savory foods rather than sweet. Unlike Morgan, I can usually have a little bite of dessert and be totally satisfied. I'd rather waste my calories on
real food!
18. I was engaged once before. I cancelled the wedding 6 months before the actual date. Obviously, it was THE BEST decision I ever made. Morgan and I were married 2.5 years later. Thank you, Lord!
19. When I was in college, my dream job was to be a Sport Anchor for ESPN.
20. My favorite sport is baseball and my team will always be the LA Dodgers.
21. I was born in Seoul, Korea and my family moved to Los Angeles when I was 2.5. I was told I cried during the whole duration of the plane ride. Yikes!
22. As a kid, I was afraid of any and all amusement park characters.
23. My usual breakfast these days... peanut butter on toasted English muffin or an over easy egg on wheat toast (with a side of ketchup).
24. I think gnomes are creepy, not cute.
25. I always wash my face before going to bed but I may not always brush my teeth!
So, there you have it... for better or worse, the real me!