Waking up to my alone/quiet time, early in the morning.
Having my first sip of hot coffee with hazelnut creamer.
Seeing two smiling faces about an hour or so later.
Getting my morning hugs and kisses.
After breakfast when the girls and I are all cleaned up and ready to do whatever is on our schedule for the day.
Hearing sweet little voices sing worship songs throughout the day.
When out of the blue, one of the girls says, "I love you, mom."
When I get an unexpected hug or when my girls ask if they can hug me because they are happy.
When the girls ask interesting or funny questions.
Without prompting, hearing, "Thank you for the nice breakfast, lunch or dinner, mom!"
Hearing the girls play together with kindness. Using their manners.
When I hear, "Mama, can you help me with this?" And I actually want to.
When the 3 of us read books together before nap time on the bedroom floor.
1:00, when the house is picked up, the girls are napping, and I can hear Morgan working in his office.
Afternoon walks or rides around the block on big wheels (made even better when Daddy can come).
That time right before dinner when Morgan is officially done working for the day and the girls know it. We are all happy.
Getting a second wind and savoring a glass of red wine.
Dinner time when we pray together, eat together, and have interesting conversations around the kitchen table.
When the girls ask us if they can help clean up after dinner.
Playing a game, dancing, or chasing after the girls and hearing them scream and giggle with laughter.
After bath time when the girls are squeaky clean and they smell divine.
Reading more books and bible stories as a family.
Tucking each one in, kissing them all over, smelling the goodness, and whispering how much I love them and what a gift they are to us in their ears.
Getting a big tight hug from Gracie.
Hearing the whisper, "I love you too, mom."
Hearing the whisper, "I love you too, mom."
8:00, when I can sit down next to my husband and relax. Sometimes words are not necessary. His presence calms me and makes me feel like I am not alone.
I know these days are numbered.
I pray that each ordinary moment will also be an extraordinary opportunity to worship God.
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