Live Like You Were Dying

23 February 2010

Morgan and I are really excited about doing our church's annual, 30 day spiritual growth campaign. It's called Live Like you Were Dying and it's inspired by the Grammy award-winning song recorded by Tim McGraw about four years ago. Listeners were confronted about their mortality and challenged to get out of their mundane routines so they could live a life with no regrets.

Here's an excerpt from our study book.... Death is the most inevitable event that we are least prepared for. There is a great irony in this that there is, for each of us, a 100% chance of dying and a next to a 100% chance we aren't anywhere near ready for it. Our whole culture is in a state of denial when it comes to death. The bible clearly states that we have an appointment with death- "It is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment." -Hebrews 9:27. But instead of running from that appointment, as so much of our culture encourages us to do, we are going to run right for it. We are going to fearlessly stare down death and find out what changes when we do. We are going to ride right up to the precipice and let the winds from the valley of death blow back over our lives and stir us to something new.

The study has one goal: Change. May we discover that one thing that will alter the course of our lives that we wouldn't find any other way, unless we lived like we were dying.

Some questions we will be asking ourselves...

What If I Only Had 30 days To Live?

-How would my life change?

-Would I reevaluate my values, priorities, and dreams?

-How would God want me to spend my last month?

-What might I be emboldened to do that I've never done before?

-What would become important and what would suddenly not matter at all?

-How would it impact my relationships?

-How would I prepare for eternity?

For each person, the journey will be different but that's the beauty of it. I am looking forward to being inspired, challenged, and yes, even doing something that puts me out of my comfort zone. There is no time like today to start living like you were dying.