We have been spoiled for the whole month of June with cooler than average temperatures but this week, it became official, it's HOT! Since Saturday's forecast was 110 degrees, we made a spur of the moment decision to head to the beach. The girls were so excited when we told them over breakfast. They threw their arms in the air and shouted, "Hooray, Hooray, Hooray!" After packing up the car, we arrived a little later than we would've liked but since we love the beach, it didn't really matter- we could've stayed all day. We ended up leaving at 3:00 and the girls fell fast asleep before we even got on the freeway. We had a wonderful day of collecting seashells, running from waves, jumping over seaweed, building sand castles, and exploring up and down the beach. It was the perfect way to spend a summer day and we look forward to many more!
Beach Day
29 June 2009
Viv turns 3!
25 June 2009

We celebrated Vivien's birthday by hosting a small swim party and lunch.
The kids loved playing in the pool together and were jumping in left and right. It was so fun to watch! After swimming, they had craft time, lunch, cupcakes, and presents. It was the perfect little summer party. We love you, Viv!
Yippee, you're 3!
Happy Father's Day
22 June 2009
After a jam-packed week, we decided to take it easy for Father's Day. The day consisted of church, watching golf, long naps, and Morgan's favorites for dinner- a sushi appetizer and filet mignons on the grill. We deeply appreciate how hard the man of our house works. If he had it his way, he'd much rather stay at home and home school the girls but alas, he goes out to fight the good fight and take on the world. He is treasured and honored, today and everyday. Happy Father's Day to both of our dads as well. Thank you for being a great example of love, dedication, and faithfulness in our lives. We love you!
"A truly rich man is one whose children run into his arms when his hands are empty." -Unknown
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family. food. fun.
21 June 2009

Morgan's older brother Ben and his family came to visit with Grandma and Grandpa on Saturday. We swam in the pool and barbequed yummy carne asada tacos for dinner. The pool was 88 degrees and the warmest it's been all year. The girls had so much fun hanging out with their cousin, Christina.
It was great to see everyone and celebrate an early Father's day!
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What a week!
20 June 2009

I am amazed at how resilient Faith and Grace were all week to wake up at 6:00 a.m. and go non-stop until 1:00 p.m. before they crashed and napped for 2.5 hours everyday. Here are the girls' highlights for the week:
*Being in the big auditorium for worship time with Rob Biagi.
*Storytime and music with Miss Courtney, Miss Robin, and Miss Karen.
*Playing on the playground.
*Craft time.
*Storytime and music with Miss Courtney, Miss Robin, and Miss Karen.
*Playing on the playground.
*Craft time.
*Having me as their teacher all week.
The best part about the week was the fact that I got to be with my kids and see them experience and maneuver their way through their first Vacation Bible School. Every morning on the way to church, they would ask, "Mommy, are you going to be my teacher again today?" When I replied yes, they would smile and say, "Yay!" Although it was exhausting to watch over 10, 3 year-old kids, I wouldn't have had it any other way. I couldn't imagine leaving my kids for 5 hours a day to someone else. I loved the undivided attention and bonding time that we had and realized even more that my kids need me to be present, active, and intentional in my parenting. They did so well and enjoyed the consistent boundaries and discipline they received in the classroom as well as on the playground. As a result, I think they were able to flourish and have fun in confidence.
It's been so sweet to hear them sing the new songs that we learned about Jesus. I am very proud of my little girlies!