Well, we started Mom2Mom today and since I have some new responsibilities with my group, the girls and I have to be there from 8:30 to 11:00. Unfortunately, this means that I have to get them up an hour earlier than normal but no worries, they did great! I also get to wear this cute brown
t-shirt every week. The best part about this is...
I don't have to think about what I'm going to wear on Wednesdays! Ah, the little luxuries of an on-the-go mom!
Cute post! I'm glad i'm not the only one who loves the shirt and actually looks forward to not having to pick out an outfit every Wed! Wasn't this week great?! I am amazed at how the Lord has brought all of us women from such different backgrounds and situations together in one room to worship him for a few hours. It is 'icing on the cake' that we get to do it while our children are being ministered too by others who love them.
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