They like to stand on the coffee table.

They use their little ottomans to climb on top.

Faith is now standing on a bucket.

Gangster Baby G.

Grace is trying to tickle Faith's belly button.
The girls are 21 months old today. Yikes! That means birthday #2 will be here before we know it! Our girls are becoming quite independent and adventurous, too.
Here's what's happening in the life of Grace & Faith:
Favorite food(s): pancakes, waffles, chicken tenders, broccoli, cheese, fig newtons, nuts, and apples.
Words: Too many to name--lately we've been hearing: Santa, ho-ho-ho, snowman, daddy, mommy, uh-oh!, baby, Elmo, nuts, broccoli, snack, cookies, cracker, hi, hello, bye-bye, nice-nice, Amen, truck, flower, sun, balloon, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, cheeks, toes, etc...
Playtime: They love to read, dance and spin around 'til they get dizzy and fall on the floor, listen to music, sing to and feed their baby, get chased, take all their toys out of their toy box and scatter them all over the house, follow me everywhere (my little shadows), climb on the coffee table and scare us half to death by jumping on it.
Sleep: Taking a 2-3 hour nap in the afternoon and still sleeping 11-12 hours at night! Woo-hoo!