Some of you have asked us,"Is it hard with twins?" I guess our best answer would be, "We don't know any different." As the girls get older, I'm sure they will have different needs at different times but for right now, their needs are pretty much the same so we just do everything twice or at the same time, if possible. I thought I loved them when we just had their pictures but each day, my heart grows bigger for them. They are really the sweetest little things. I asked God for girls with a loving spirit who are easy-going and kind-hearted and He has answered my prayers. Our God is so good. They love to dance whenever they hear music. They both start to sway back and forth and it is so cute to watch. Grace is quite the songbird and Faith babbles a whole soliloquy. They both make raspberries, smile a lot and laugh out loud. They started saying "ma-ma" and "da-da" the week after they arrived home. They knew the Korean word for mommy and daddy which is "um-ma" and "ap-pa." They still call me "um-ma," everyday too. I use mostly English with them but I also speak to them in Korean and their ears perk up. They light up with smiles when their daddy walks into the room and both crawl as fast as possible to cuddle with him. It's all too cute!
They are eating very well. In addition to milk and juice, they love steamed pot stickers, mashed potatoes, rice, apple sauce, carrots, peas, yogurt, peaches, pears and cookies. But I think their favorite food is Cheerios! Something about the fact that they can pick each one up with their own hands and put them into their mouths. All in all, they are very happy and healthy babies and we are so blessed to parent them both. Don't get me wrong though, they are not perfect nor are they always happy, all the time. That's just not the reality of a one year-old. They do get cranky but it is usually because they are tired, hungry or we are just not feeding them fast enough. I try to remember during these times that they have been through so much in their short lives. They need lots of love in order to feel secure. After all, they thought all this time, that their permanent home was with their foster family. Everyday it has been a privilege to love them and care for them. I try to enjoy the lesson in patience (sometimes it's hard to do at that very moment) and every morning I thank God for our new family. Patience used to be my worst character trait and I believe me, I still have a long way to go. I'm sure God knew that when he decided to give us two daughters :)
I have also turned into the quite the multi-tasker. Morgan and I have only eaten out once since we've been home. I have still managed so far, to cook every meal for all four of us, keep up on the blog, do all the laundry (almost everyday), grocery shop, plan a birthday party (with lots of help), and watch my favorite indulgences on TV at night, "American Idol, The Office and Dancing with the Stars" (thanks to dvr/tivo). The meals I'm making are not as elaborate as they used to be but Morgan says that he is just amazed that I am keeping it all organized and together at all. I am sort of a neat freak too so I don't like to have a messy house. I couldn't wait for our girls to come home so life as a busy mom suits me, I guess.
Everyday, I can see the bond between the four of us grow stronger. The girls are feeling more and more secure and we are all getting into our grooves. They have only been home now for 3 weeks but they have brought so much joy and delight into our lives. It's been so wonderful! I have truly never seen my parents so happy and joyful. Last Sunday, we were able to visit Morgan's parents for the first time since we've been home from Korea. They both came home from the hospital earlier in the week and were finally able to meet their newest grandchildren. Again, the girls did great and we all enjoyed our time together. Grandma and Grandpa G are doing much better now and both are getting stronger everyday. Thank you so much for those prayers!
I would be lying if I said that life with twins is not a lot of work. Much of the first two weeks, we were getting a crash-course in parenting as well as letting go of the "me" time we had for ourselves whenever we wanted it. It has been a lesson in prioritizing my life better and using my "free" time wisely. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Our girls are gifts from heaven and we know without a doubt that they were meant just for us. I pray everyday for wisdom, courage, strength, patience and most of all, love. Through our daughters, I am learning many things but most importantly, I'm understanding more about how much God loves us, His very own children.
They are eating very well. In addition to milk and juice, they love steamed pot stickers, mashed potatoes, rice, apple sauce, carrots, peas, yogurt, peaches, pears and cookies. But I think their favorite food is Cheerios! Something about the fact that they can pick each one up with their own hands and put them into their mouths. All in all, they are very happy and healthy babies and we are so blessed to parent them both. Don't get me wrong though, they are not perfect nor are they always happy, all the time. That's just not the reality of a one year-old. They do get cranky but it is usually because they are tired, hungry or we are just not feeding them fast enough. I try to remember during these times that they have been through so much in their short lives. They need lots of love in order to feel secure. After all, they thought all this time, that their permanent home was with their foster family. Everyday it has been a privilege to love them and care for them. I try to enjoy the lesson in patience (sometimes it's hard to do at that very moment) and every morning I thank God for our new family. Patience used to be my worst character trait and I believe me, I still have a long way to go. I'm sure God knew that when he decided to give us two daughters :)
I have also turned into the quite the multi-tasker. Morgan and I have only eaten out once since we've been home. I have still managed so far, to cook every meal for all four of us, keep up on the blog, do all the laundry (almost everyday), grocery shop, plan a birthday party (with lots of help), and watch my favorite indulgences on TV at night, "American Idol, The Office and Dancing with the Stars" (thanks to dvr/tivo). The meals I'm making are not as elaborate as they used to be but Morgan says that he is just amazed that I am keeping it all organized and together at all. I am sort of a neat freak too so I don't like to have a messy house. I couldn't wait for our girls to come home so life as a busy mom suits me, I guess.
Everyday, I can see the bond between the four of us grow stronger. The girls are feeling more and more secure and we are all getting into our grooves. They have only been home now for 3 weeks but they have brought so much joy and delight into our lives. It's been so wonderful! I have truly never seen my parents so happy and joyful. Last Sunday, we were able to visit Morgan's parents for the first time since we've been home from Korea. They both came home from the hospital earlier in the week and were finally able to meet their newest grandchildren. Again, the girls did great and we all enjoyed our time together. Grandma and Grandpa G are doing much better now and both are getting stronger everyday. Thank you so much for those prayers!
I would be lying if I said that life with twins is not a lot of work. Much of the first two weeks, we were getting a crash-course in parenting as well as letting go of the "me" time we had for ourselves whenever we wanted it. It has been a lesson in prioritizing my life better and using my "free" time wisely. Honestly, I wouldn't have it any other way. Our girls are gifts from heaven and we know without a doubt that they were meant just for us. I pray everyday for wisdom, courage, strength, patience and most of all, love. Through our daughters, I am learning many things but most importantly, I'm understanding more about how much God loves us, His very own children.