With our schedule being a little hectic this past week, we forgot to add the girls to our insurance the day we got them. That means, we had to reschedule our doctor's visit. This process should only take a few days and the doctor said he will squeeze us in as soon as possible. We should be able to see him within the week. We're thankful that the girls seem really healthy.
Hallelujah! Last night, when we put them to bed, they did not cry at all! We went to watch them from the monitor in the living room and to our amazement, they were happily talking (babbling) to each other while tossing dolls back and forth in their cribs. That explains why some days, we noticed that there were more toys in one crib! It was very interesting to watch and they only played for about 10 minutes before both falling asleep. They are still sleeping about 12 hours a night and straight through too! Whew, it was worth it to have them cry for 25 minutes the first night! Each night has just been better and better!
We are very much enjoying their personalities, too. When people first see them, they ask us,
"How do you tell them apart?" We were just saying last night how different they are to us, not only in appearance but personality. Faith is definitely more independent. She likes to explore things on her own and she is a smart little cookie. Grace is definitely the baby in the family. After all, she is a whole 2 minutes younger than her big sister! Grace gets jealous if one of us is holding Faith. She wants in on some lovin' too. She likes to be near me and can't go too long without touching me if possible. Both are very sweet and will steal your heart away with their smiles and laughter! We are in love!
Darling photos as usual! I think I can tell them apart....Faith is in the striped shirt and Grace is in the flowered print shirt. Am I right??
Love and Blessings to the Gough family!! ann j
Yes, that's right! We can't wait to see you! Thank you so much for all your love and prayers.
We love you!
The Gough's
The Gough Family,
I stumbled across your blog while looking for a friend a few weeks ago - and haven't been able to stop checking your updates since. Your family is absolutely beautiful and your journey has been in my prayers. Your faith in God and obvoius love for others has been a wonderful inspiration to me in the past weeks. I hope you are continually blessed as a family. Best wishes.
Lauren - Savannah, Georgia
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