In Remembrance

11 September 2006

Five years have passed since the terrorist attacks on 9/11. Like other historical and significant events, I suppose we will always remember exactly where we were and what we were doing when we first heard of the attack. I was on a week long business trip; staying at the Embassy Suites in Irvine. It was almost one month before our wedding day and only 4 days before Morgan's younger brother, Roy was to be married. That morning, I was in the bathroom getting ready for a day of meetings when Morgan called. He told me to quickly turn on the TV. A plane had just crashed into the World Trade Center in New York. The scene looked like something out of an action movie. At that point, we didn't realize that it was a terrorist attack or that other planes had been hijacked. I guess we just thought it was some sort of freak accident. To our horror and amazement, as we continued to watch, another plane came crashing into the second tower. We realized then, that this was no accident.

In the days that followed, like most of the world, we were glued to our TV sets. As the information unfolded and the damage assessed, we knew that our country would never be the same.

Almost a year later, I read a book called "Let's Roll" by Lisa Beamer that made such a profound impact on me. Lisa was the wife of Todd Beamer. Todd was one of the courageous passengers aboard United Flight 93. The passengers and crew fought the terrorists onboard and diverted the plane from crashing into the White House or the Capitol. The plane went down in rural Pennsylvania killing everyone onboard. In Lisa's book, I was amazed by her strength, clarity, hope and unwavering faith. It made me question and challenge my own beliefs in a way that I had never before. After reading the book, I came to sort of a "fork in the road." I examined where I was headed and what kind of foundation I had built for myself. Where did my hope lie? Soon afterwards, I chose my path and headed towards my own journey of faith. I believe God used this book in a powerful way to draw me closer to Him and I will forever be grateful for that.

An excerpt from the book...

"I first stepped out of the bus at the crash site in Shanksville on September 17. I looked over at Todd's sister, Michele, and said, "He's not here." Nothing significant of Todd Beamer remained in that field in Pennsylvania. Yet he was more alive than ever at that very moment, enjoying a reality in heaven more incredible that anything we could hope to imagine on earth. He is in the presence of God himself! This heartfelt knowledge changed the devastation of that place into a place of peace, and as difficult as it may be for some to believe, even joy. I knew at that moment, without a doubt, that everything Todd and I believed and lived for was true."

"My life since September 11 includes many human sorrows and challenges, and everyday I must choose how to confront them. I can sink into depression or anger or anxiety, or I can trust that God is working everything for my good. I have chosen to believe God-- to believe he loves me and has a plan for now and for eternity. I don't claim to understand but I choose daily--even moment by moment--to have faith not in what is seen but in what is unseen. The road ahead is uncertain and even scary at times, but I believe that God will provide what's best for me, just when I need it. Even now, in the midst of much sorrow, there is much to be thankful for--a great family, wonderful friends, and a strong community of faith. I try to appreciate my blessings everyday."

Todd Beamer was survived by his wife, his 2 sons, David and Drew, and daughter, Morgan who was born in January of 2002.