Impact Weekend

16 February 2021

Last weekend, the girls participated in an in-town 2 day retreat designed just for students at our new church, RockPointe. It was called IMPACT and the theme was KNOWN. 

We are KNOWN by God. We can KNOW God. And we can make God KNOWN.

God loves you so much, girls. You are unique and chosen for your generation and this time in history.
Most of all, you are treasured and enough, just the way you are! Gosh, you make us so proud.

Throughout the weekend, the kids joined in worship, heard teachings from pastors, played games, ate well, hung out with friends, and served in the community. To sum it up, it was like a conference, a camp experience, and a mission trip, all in one. To say the girls enjoyed themselves is a HUGE understatement! They had an absolute blast! The youth group they've been attending at RockPointe has been so great for them. They've met such a sweet group of 9th grade girls and we couldn't be more thankful!

Hello there, lovelies!

Here they are on their community service project. They went to a nearby neighborhood and knocked door to door as they collected items they needed for a local homeless shelter. Some folks donated money so they took that to Walmart and bought the remaining items on their list.  

Then on Sunday morning, the students led worship. It was wonderful!

The girls miss their old friends everyday but I couldn't be more thankful for the new friendships they're making each week through their youth group.  

And speaking of thankful, over the last two days, we've had record setting SNOW here in North Texas. 
Because of that, we've also had rolling power outages throughout the day and night. It's been annoying on various levels (we are not cold weather people!) but I'm choosing to be thankful regardless of the circumstances (which may last a few more days). We have plenty of food in the fridge, lots of blankets, a gas stove and a fireplace. Most of all, we have a God who provides everything we need. We've heard Texas makes you stronger and we're beginning to understand that a little more through this crazy winter storm.