5 Things I'm Grateful for Today: Quarantine Edition

07 May 2020

We are 8 weeks into quarantine and although life doesn't look the same as it typically does for anyone,
there are so many things to be thankful for regardless of the current situation. For instance, the obvious things like our health, having a fridge full of food, a roof over our heads, air-conditioning (it's getting hot here), God's Word to encourage us, church services online, and so on, and so on...LOTS to be thankful for!

However, as things slowly start to move in the right direction (and I do mean S-L-O-W-L-Y here in CA), there are some things I want to remember about this unprecedented time in history.

1. Zach's progress.
He's not only grown physically during this time (he lost 2 more teeth!) but he's grown more emotionally and psychologically. In fact, I've been keeping a separate list of all the things he's accomplished during this quarantined time and they are significant.

Like the fact that he's learned to READ!
I've mentioned it here before but I'll say it again, going back and forth to therapy sessions with Zach has been my life for the last year and although they can be helpful, there are many valuable skills that you can only learn through intentional and devoted time at home.

2. Sibling time.

Isn't this just the cutest picture of Faith and Zach?!
There is an 8 year age gap between the girls and their little brother. That being said, several times a week, the girls were busy with their own activities. Things like piano lessons, soccer practice, jr. high girls group at church, etc... 

However, with everyone home now, the kids have all been able to spend more time together.  

They've always had a special bond but this time at home has definitely strengthened it and it's been so sweet to witness. 

They adore and care for each other deeply. Such a blessing to a parent's heart!

3. Bible Study

The girls and I are 4 weeks into this 8 week bible study by Priscilla Shirer and I am just so grateful for this sweet time I get to spend with them discussing who God says we are. So far, the teenage years with my girls have been my favorite! What a joy to see our young ladies grow up with such maturity and poise.
Identity: Who are you? Such an important topic for teens today, don't you think?
Sure wish I had known my identity in God as a teenager.
So far, I think I'm the one learning the most with this study! 

4. Music

I don't know about you but in times of trial, God has used music to minister to my heart more times than I can count. I have never been more grateful for the gift of music, especially worship music. It lifts the soul and brings us to a place of joy, peace, and even strength.

We've also been graced with piano music everyday. Thankfully, the girls are able to somewhat continue their piano lessons. We send their teacher videos and she gives us her feedback with notes and new music each week. The music flowing in our home has been lovely to hear! And to see the girls so disciplined and excited to play has been, well, "music to our ears." 

5. Outdoor space.
Like I said, we've been hitting the triple digits here lately so our pool has been a refreshing gift as well.

Whether we're playing in the pool...

Riding our bikes around our community...

Taking walks along our neighborhood's greenbelt...

Or hitting the hiking trails...

Like never before, the ability (and freedom) to step outside everyday, get some exercise + vitamin D, has been a huge blessing in our lives.

Like the saying goes...

Hope you're finding your own reasons to be thankful each day!