Zach's School Days

10 April 2020

 The next few posts are all going to be about Zach and how he was been spending his days #precoronavirus. 
I got to thinking that I posted so much about the girls and their early years of homeschooling and yet I haven't posted much about Zach. Although I spend a lot of time with him in various therapy sessions each week (speech and OT, which we also count as part of "school"), sometimes I manage to squeeze in other learning opportunities around here. I had a ton of pictures on my phone so this was a perfect time to unload and record those memories.   

 A couple of months ago, we did a little unit study on the symbols of America and Zach is enamored with the Statue of Liberty. He wants to visit her someday and climb all those steps to the top of her crown. 

 With big sis, Grace's help (she outlined Lady Liberty), he was able to do a watercolor painting. 
Gosh, he's handsome. 💘

 He also loves to cook in the kitchen. 
Because we view school as lifestyle homeschooling, learning to cook is definitely something I want to teach my little man. #survivalskills 

Here he is making his own scrambled eggs. #futurewifeblesser 

 He's also learning to help fold laundry. 

Right now, he's using the "Hot dog & Hamburger" method to fold towels. 

 This year, with Zach's therapy sessions at the clinic, it doesn't leave much time for outside activities but one thing we never miss is our weekly CBS class. I've been helping to shadow him in his class this year and he's made nice strides socially. This picture makes me so happy to see him sitting there listening to the bible story.   

Taking a break for some yoga. 😜

 Back in February, on President's Day, we learned about our first President. 

 Painting his Cherry Tree. 

 He's always working on his fine motor scissor cutting skills. 

 George Washington, of course. 😊

More of Zach's Kindergarten school days to come...