And just like that, the girls turned TWELVE!!
Where has the time gone?
How did they get so big and who keeps feeding them?? 😄
Very funny, girls!
Little brothers are so helpful when it comes to opening presents.
Sweet gifts from family and friends.
Zach's face. 😝
We celebrated with a party at our park!
The little kid's table.
Zach's favorite pup, Riley boy.
The girls requested Miss Jill's coconut cake because let's face it, her coconut cake is the bomb!
Jill baked not one but TWO cakes! Plus another sheet cake. She's the best!
All their favorite people... Cousins, friends, and neighborhood playmates.
Letting the littles blow out their candles.
Sweet friends, enjoying the afternoon shade.
It was a gorgeous day at the park!
In the past, the girls have had some fun "themed" birthday parties (i.e. princess, swim, butterfly, rock climbing, etc.). However, this year, because I was still recovering from surgery, we decided to keep it simple.
They said all they really wanted was to hang out and play at the park with their friends.
Easy peasy!
We gathered after church on Sunday and had beautiful day, celebrating our ALMOST TEENAGERS!
If you don't know Faith and Grace, here are some facts about them...
Faith (born 2 minutes before Grace) is more of a tomboy, although she likes girlie things, too.
She is ambitious and highly capable of any task you put in front of her. She is responsible, quick, and enjoys a challenge. She loves people, new adventures, reading books, creating art, and learning about new things.
Grace is our girlie girl. She's still in love with all things pink. She's our idealist dreamer. She's content, joyful, and conscientious. She has a big heart for others and loves her people with loyalty and passion.
She keeps short accounts. She's always humble and the first to apologize.
She's loves getting lost in a book as well as her own daydreams.
Our girls are different and unique and yet, compliment each other so well.
They're so blessed to have each other!
We're honored to be their parents and can't wait to see what God has planned for their future.
We love you so much, girls!

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