Just Keep Swimming

11 August 2017

Flashback to toddler Grace and Faith with Miss Tanya, their swim teacher.
I miss those adorable chunks! 😍😍

 Flash Forward to Grace and Faith with Miss Tanya today, almost 10 years later.

 Miss Tanya looks the same but my, the girls have grown!

 So the girls are reunited with Miss Tanya this summer for swim team. They were fine swimmers and all but we figured they could use some refreshing on their strokes and skills. 

Practice on the low dive.

Braving the high dive!

 A couple of weeks ago, when I told my friend, Karen we were about to start swim team, she thought it'd be a good idea for Ellie and Jacob as well.  

And we're so happy because swim team with friends is that much more fun!

 Miss Tanya taught all of these kids to swim when they were babes.

And look who's taking his own swim lessons?
Teacher Sam works with Miss Tanya and she's just as fabulous.

He's only 3 lessons in so far and he's already going underwater and swimming about 4-5 feet across the pool. Yay! 🙌🏊

 Since we have 30 minutes to kill while we wait for the girls, Zach and I hang out and play on the waterslides.

Thumbs up for COOL refreshing water (they actually cool it at the Aquatic Center)!

We originally came here to get some swim lessons for Zach but then we thought swim team would be a good experience for the girls as well. I have to say, it's been an awesome way to spend a couple of afternoons a week. Zach is really enjoying his lessons with teacher Sam and he's doing so so well! The girls are pushing hard (they swam 40 laps yesterday!) so they are exhausted after swimming an hour straight. Being at the community pool with friends, learning new skills, AND getting to play outside with my boy... in August?! Now that's definitely a way to beat the dog days of summer!