This week's favorites are all about the kids and life around here lately.
Hanging out and feeding the ducks while big sisters are in the library.
The train table has been a HUGE hit since Christmas.
Fun with Play doh.
What an amazing view we have everyday of the snow capped mountains!
Proof that more is caught than taught! I have NEVER taught or even asked him to clear his plate after breakfast yet every morning, when he's done, he brings his plate to me in the kitchen. I just had to snap a photo of him one day. 😊
He's getting so fast on his bike now. I can barely see him. Can you? 😀
Another spectacular desert sunset! This never ever gets old!
Painting with Grace.
Splashing in the bath.
His birthday suit is just the cutest thing ever! #sorrybuddy #ihadto
Crazy to think come September, he'll be in pre-school (at home) and that was the same age I started homeschooling the girls!
He loves to write his name and color.
He's absolutely NUTS about Mickey right now. It all started at Christmas when our neighbor had one of those inflatable Mickeys out in front of their house as a decoration. Recently, I heard him ask his Mickey if he wanted a drink and then he offered him some banana, too. #cutenessoverload #pretendplay
Occasionally, we'll remember to have him wear his glasses when he watches Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It's so fun to hear him answer Mickey's questions on the show.
In less than two months, these two beauties will be turning 11. Where has the time gone? I feel like I will blink and they will be 18. Seven years will go by in a flash. These last couple of years, they have grown SO much (both in size and in maturity). They're definitely not little girls anymore. 😂 😂
See what I mean? This was the last time we went to Disneyland. It was 7 years ago but it feels like it wasn't all that long ago. Sigh... #timepleaseslowdown
This week, we firmed up the details and ideas for the girls' 11th BIRTHDAY PARTY!! We are so excited!
I kind of had a plan in my mind of what we were going to do but then decided, "Hey, why not ask them what they'd like to do instead?" Novel idea, right?! Well, it turns out what they wanted to do was a lot EASIER and less complicated than what I had planned. Ha! Of course it was!
And last but not least, we're looking forward to a mini-vacay to San Diego next week. Daddy has a business conference in the city so the whole family will be tagging along for 4 fun-filled days in America's Finest City.
And that's it from me! Happy Fri-Yay!
Hope you have an amazing weekend!

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