When a vacation is still months away...

17 April 2016

Desert Springs always makes us feel relaxed.

 Zach meets a giant flamingo.

The girls are getting so big!

 Our little ladies are growing up!

 We were craving sushi. Yum!

Me and my little man.

He can eat my face any day.


He had fun exploring the resort.

Too bad the boats weren't running.

 So proud of these two.

 Blessed to be their mama.

Family night out was a success!

Just ask these three. :)

Life’s demands have kept me pretty busy over the last couple of weeks so unfortunately, blogging has been on the back burner. Morgan and I would love nothing more than a quiet and relaxing family vacation but alas, we’ve got some big things coming up in the next couple of months so for now, a vacation has to wait.

Still, once in a while, you just have to make time to get out and enjoy. Thankfully, for us, we can always pretend to be on vacation when we visit one of our favorite local resorts.

Being that it's Coachella weekend, we weren’t sure if the hotel was going to be packed. To our surprise, the festers must have all been at the concert because even though the parking lot was full and the hotel was sold out, the place seemed virtually empty to us.

Thank you, Lord! :)

We enjoyed every minute of our pretend vacation (and happily slept well in our own beds, too!).