My trail view: Come run with me

05 February 2014

V-Day Crafts 007

Good Morning, God! You’ve outdone yourself again.


V-Day Crafts 009

My running trail: It’s just me, the chirping birds, the gorgeous sun rising over the mountains, and the sound of dg crunching under my shoes. 


V-Day Crafts 013

I brought my camera along with me this morning because I wanted to share a glimpse of what I see when I’m out running. My new trail is exactly 65 steps from my front door. Yes, I counted.

This has been yet another unexpected blessing of moving. For years now, I’ve been running but I’ve never had such a serene and beautiful trail to make my morning exercise ever so slightly, enjoyable. :)

I’m so grateful for this! I don’t even hear cars or see any people. The peace and quiet and the time I get to spend with God as I run has been amazing. It’s almost as if it’s just me and Him out there and He’s allowing me to bask in His glory as He reveals His light, inch by inch, stride by stride.

Now that I think of it, the title of this post is a little misleading. I actually don’t want anyone to come run with me. I’ve quickly learned to value this time alone with Him. I don’t know about you but there are very few opportunities in my day where I can be completely alone and focused on the beauty and awesomeness of God.

This is a GIFT!! Thank you, Lord!!

“Send forth your light and your truth, let them guide me; let them bring me to your holy mountain, to the place where you dwell.” ~Psalm 43:3