ABC’s of Motherhood

10 May 2013

Assume the best about your children; they are still learning, growing and they need you to believe in them.

Be available. There are so many distractions. Fight them. It’s one of the most important things a mother can do.

Call them fun nicknames.

Devote yourself to imparting wisdom to your children.

Exhale deeply. It’s only spilled milk.

Firmly draw lines.

Gently enforce them.

Help them do the most important thing in life: seek God and the infinite wisdom found in Him. It will CHANGE the course of their lives….every aspect.

Include them in what you do. It is the best way to teach and to make them feel valued.

Just relax. What seems like a big deal today won’t be tomorrow. Maintain perspective.

Keep the vision. You’re raising men and women and your influence on them will be over soon.

Let them experiment, explore and do things on their own. That’s the best education you can give them.

Model for them (by God’s grace) the attitudes, responses, habits and kindness you want them to have.

Never fail to repent when you have sinned.

Object to activities, reading material, movies/tv or any other forms of media and entertainment that do not line up with Philippians 4:8…no matter what their friends are doing.

Passionately love them.

Quit worrying about keeping up with others’ expectations. You are the mom to these children; God has given you a unique gift to raise them.

Remind your children constantly that their purpose in life is to use all their gifts, talents, strengths and passions to glorify their Creator.

Search out their interests; then give them the freedom and tools to explore them. This is where children best thrive.

Tell stories. Stories about your childhood, make-believe stories, educational stories. It’s a gift to their imaginations.

Use your time wisely. Say “no” to things that do not help your family grow and meet your life-long goals.

Voraciously read to them.

Walk with your children, listening, answering and smiling. Point out the birds, the clover, the sounds around you. Let them see you in awe at the beauty and creation of God.

X-pect them to be polite, courteous and kind. When they’re not, point it out, and replace it with an appropriate response.

Yesterday is over, with its mistakes. Purpose to fill today with joy. Your children will never forget it. It’s the little things in a day that will imprint on their memories.

Zealously bring your children before the throne of God, reminding yourself that they belong to Him.

I’m always deeply encouraged (and challenged) by what Kelly at Generation Cedar writes about. This simple, alphabetized list is no exception. I think I need to print it out and keep it on my fridge!