Because it’s summer…

04 August 2011

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One never gets too old for bubbles, do they?


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If they’re gonna get in the pool anyway, why not let ‘em get all sticky with bubble juice? 

Sounds good to me. 


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Oh, Gracie,  how I love you so…


It’s August. It’s HOT. Between Uncle Rich being in town and our own pool, the girls have been swimming everyday.

It’s summer. Which means we’ve been a little more laid back around here...

We’ve also been eating dinner later (around 6:30).


Because it’s summer!

Because we can.

And by the time daddy is usually finished with work and wants to take the girls swimming, time just slips away when you’re underwater. Especially when you’re a mermaid, finding treasures at the bottom of the pool or racing each other to the other side.

Ah, summer…