Whispers from heaven

20 July 2011

2 feathers

whis·per [hwis-per, wis-per]

–verb  1.  to speak with soft, hushed sounds, using the breath, lips, etc., but with no vibration of the vocal cords.

We all want God’s voice to thunder through the air with but God, His is the still, small voice- often, the gentle whisper. 

Nothing draws human focus, quite like a whisper

Through my children, He often speaks to my heart and blesses me greatly.  Last night, as I tucked the girls into bed, they wanted me to kneel down, just a little closer.  Here’s what they whispered…

Faith:  “Mommy, God loves you...”

(And, just to make sure I heard it the first time…)

Grace:  “Mommy, God loves you…”   



Sweet angels living amongst us?




When God whispers, it means I must quiet myself enough to move closer to Him,

until my head is bent together with His. 

It is then, when I can truly hear His heart.