Pre-Math: sorting and counting different items.

Tasting limes.

Haha! I love Viv's face here.

Working on her lemon lime art.

Ll- our letter of the week.


Nice job, Teag!

The kids volunteered to help me with the trash. :)

Going for an exploratory nature walk.

We talked about different emotions today in school so I asked the kids
to make their scary face here.

Along our walk, we played the I Spy game.
We would often stop to talk about what we saw.

Here they are playing "freeze."

Freeze again.

Home sweet home.

Lunch: Make Your Own Tacos

Vivien carefully works on hers.

I was impressed with Teagan's taco making skills. He asked me for salsa, too!


Here's a sneak peek at our Christmas program this year...
cute pics. i have to ask if helping take out the trash was teagan's idea? that is one of his favorite things to do at home!
the girls saw me doing it first and came over to ask if they could help. he was super excited when he found out what was going on. he even knew exactly where my trash bags were and got a new one out. not quite sure how he knew that? we must both keep them under the sink! i know he's been doing a great job taking out the trash at home. :) love having such great little helpers!
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