
22 March 2010

March 22nd. To us, it is the birth date of our double blessings from above. It is a joyous occasion that warrants celebration every year. To one young woman, this day is etched in her memory forever. A day that I'm sure she will never forget- whether she has ever tried to or not. As I tucked the girls into bed last night- we reminisced about our wonderful weekend. With overflowing hearts, we thanked God for each other, our family, our friends, and for all of our blessings. I whispered in each of their ears how thankful I am that God has made them my daughter. To which they sweetly replied, "I'm so happy that God made you my mama." (sniff, sniff...)

I couldn't help but think of Faith and Grace's birth mother and what this day represents to her. I am mindful of the fact that she may be experiencing a whole different set of emotions on this day. I couldn't begin to understand what those emotions might be. All I could think about was the fact that she will never forget this day, the day that she gave birth to two beautiful baby girls. After all, how can one really forget? It's just not humanly possible. And then I began to pray. I prayed with a mix of compassion and gratitude. I prayed that if she felt any kind of pain or anguish on this day (or any other day that she thought about the girls), that God would comfort her heart and give her a peace, as only He can. I prayed that she would seek God's face as a result of these two lives that she brought in the world, four years ago today. I prayed that she would open her heart and allow God to grace her life with a hope and a future, just as He has for our girls.

I don't know why but Morgan and I have always had a feeling that we would meet her one day. In fact, that's one of the reasons why we want the girls to learn Korean. If they ever choose to meet their birth mom, we'd love for them to be able to somewhat communicate with her. I do realize however, that love and gratitude knows no language barriers. It would be an honor for me to be able to thank her in person someday but that is not my choice to make. My experiences in life long to tell this young woman that God can use any circumstance to His glory. Our past does not define our future and the difficult choice she made to carry those babies for 33.5 weeks was not in vain.
I am aware that meeting her may never come to fruition in this lifetime but I can pray for her salvation and maybe, just maybe, I can thank her in the next...

Would you please join me in saying a little prayer for Faith & Grace's birth mom today? As a family, we would be humbled and grateful.

*In honor of the girls' birth mom, pictured above is the National Flower of Korea, the Rose of Sharon.
The Letter 'W' said...

i prayed for their birth mother (and added a prayer for Trey's). we are ever mindful that our joyous blessings came from the sorrow and sacrifice of another.

Coombs said...

Wow, that was awesome Catherine! I prayed for their birth mother. You are an amazing mother and child of God. Thanks for being such an inspiration to me. Happy Birthday to the girls!

Hailey said...

prayed! your daughters and their families will be so blessed to read your heart on this one day.