Potty Talk

19 March 2008

Caution: This post contains way too much information. More specifically, talk of potty or in this case, "poo." Although no real pictures of poo are posted, it does contain detailed and hilarious attempts at it.

Okay... I thought I was done blogging for the week since I'm sure we'll have lots of fun pictures to post this weekend. Well, I was wrong. Sometimes, the camera does capture the moment and this was just too good to pass up. Here's the story...

I think I've mentioned that over the last few months, the girls have been telling me that they have pooed in their diapers, especially Faith. She is technically our oldest, born 2 minutes before Grace.
She is also our more independent child. Lately, she wants to do EVERYTHING herself. All the stuff that I've read on potty training tells me that I can't force it. My child will let me know when they are ready. Also, I'm not one of those moms that feels like they have to have their kids potty trained by a certain age. After all, they are only this age for such a short time anyway. Eventually, they will learn what they need to know before they go to school. Also, being potty trained has nothing to do with how smart they are or how much success they will have in life! In many ways, although more costly, diapers are still more convenient. With that being said, here's what happened...

Just the other day, I witnessed Faith making her stuffed puppy go in the big potty. She then took some toilet paper, wiped her puppy's bottom and tried to flush the toilet. I'd say that was a BIG clue for mommy that she is aware, curious, and might even be ready to try the big potty. After talking this event over with Morgan, we decided that next week would be a good week to commit and devote some time to this new venture. Truth be told, I haven't done it earlier because I've been lazy! As my friend Samantha says, "Who wants to sit in the bathroom for 1o minutes and wait?" For me, it's 10 x 2! This evening, after dinner, Faith tells me that she has to go poo and I see her pushing. Remember, 8 out of 10 times, she usually tells me after the fact. I say to her, "Wait, I'll put you on the potty and you can go like a big girl, just like mommy!" I manage to get her to her bathroom, get her shorts and diaper off and set her on the potty before anything happens. Grace is right there by her side (handing her mounds of toilet paper) and I'm sitting in front of the toilet like a coach saying, "Hold on and push honey!" Not long after... Voila! We have our first poo in the potty! I start clapping, praising and giving big hugs. I even call daddy on his cell phone to tell him the great news. We flush the toilet together, wash our hands, and there we have it! All done!

Wouldn't you know it? Monkey see, monkey do, right? Immediately after we celebrate Faith's success, Grace now tells me that she has to go poo. In my mind, I know that she doesn't but, here I go! Training begins. Not next week, but tonight! I ran to get my camera and when I came back, there was Faith, taking over my position as coach and cheerleader. Although Grace never did poo, here are some great pictures that I just had to post. Ah, the memories someday! I hope they'll forgive me.

Faith checks to see if there's anything there.

Faith gives her pep talk.

Grace would rather sing.

Coach Faith says, "Hold on and push. You can do it!"

She checks again. Still nothing.

Sweet giggling girls.
The Letter 'W' said...

Way too funny!!!
I'm glad I am not the only one who posts stories about their toddlers pee and poop on their blog!! I feel much better now, thanks! HaHa I can't imagine what it is like to potty train two girls at once...good luck!

Kristen said...

That is absolutly adorable!! I love it, they are so cute. I love how they interact with each other, way too precious!

Anonymous said...

If I was her I would lick her pussy and I would leave her pee in her mouth

Pedophile said...

i would fuck her tight pussy