Happy Homecoming Anniversary!

06 March 2008

View this montage created at One True Media
Faith & Grace's Homecoming Video

(Turn on volume and click the above link to view.)

Dear Faith & Grace,
It's hard to believe that one year has passed since we all arrived home from Korea as a family. You were 11.5 months old then and a very active and almost 2 now! What an incredible year it has been for all of us. The two of you have brought us more joy, love and laughter than we ever thought imaginable. We love you and we thank God for the privilege of being your parents. We hope that you enjoy watching this special video for many years to come. Thank you for sharing such a beautiful life together so far...

All our love,
Mommy & Daddy
Hailey said...

Beautiful Video . . . wonderful to see your journey. Loved the music you picked too - it was a perfect compliment to your story.