Some of you have asked us if we're planning to have any more children in the future. Believe it or not, it's something that we've already talked about. Quite a bit, actually.
Here's the short answer... "Sure, it's not up to us and it's OK if we don't." I'll elaborate...
Sure, we are open to having more children, whether that be through adoption or birth. It's not really up to us though. If God's plan is that we should increase our family by adopting again, that would be a wonderful blessing. By the same token, nothing is impossible with God so if His plan is to make us pregnant, that would be amazing, too. However, if we adopted again, we would probably adopt a child who is a little older, not an infant. There are so many older children who need secure families and loving homes. Besides, we are no longer spring chickens :)
It's OK if we don't, simply means that we feel our lives are full and we are grateful for the two children we do have. We were just saying that we could not imagine our lives without
both of our girls. We are happy to have two children because we can adequately devote quality time to each of them. One thing is for sure, we always knew that we wanted more than one child. God knew exactly what He was doing right from the start! Mainly, of course, we just want to hear and obey God's will for us in all aspects of our lives. We continually hope and pray for enough courage and faith to that end. So, what's on the horizon for our family? We'll just have to wait and see.