Memorial Day Weekend

30 May 2020

Mom came to visit for the weekend and we ended up taking a drive to Idyllwild where we enjoyed a picnic at the park in cooler temps.

 The park was finally open for the kids to play.

Out little guy is getting so big.

 Me and mom.

 Fireman Zach.

Cooling off in the creek.

 These two are always up for an adventure together.

 Serene and peaceful.

 We introduced mom to our new favorite Ice Cream Shop.

This time, Morgan tried the shaved ice, which was also fantastic!

 The next day, we met my brother and his family up at Oak Glen where the cousins played catch.

 My handsome patriotic boys.

My sweet niece, Eleanor.

Mom and her 8 grandkids.

It was wonderful to have my mom visit us for a few days. We relaxed, barbequed, played ping pong, took a day trip to Idyllwild, and then celebrated Memorial Day by meeting up with the rest of my family in Oak Glen for lunch.

Is it really almost June??